I wasn't able to update GnuCash from the PortableApps.com Update (kept failing), so I just downloaded the GnuCashPortable_2.4.8.paf.exe file and go this error when executing the file:
NSIS Error
Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete downloaded and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy.
More information at:
Does this download work for anyone else?
your download didn't finish properly which is why you are getting the error, try redownloading it and try again if not try downloading it from a different pc, but 9/10 the issue is incomplete download.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
yes, you were right; bad download.
It failed about 3 times from the updater and a couple times from Chrome, then I tried wxDownload Fast and it completed, but incorrectly.
I was finally able to get a good download with WinWGet.
I also just noticed that the file's hash IS listed on the app page; I hadn't noticed that before.