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TB Tray 1.2 Portable Development Test 1

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Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10
TB Tray 1.2 Portable Development Test 1

Application: Thunderbird Tray (TB TRAY)
Category: Internet
Description: From the website

Thunderbird-Tray is a system tray launcher tool for Mozilla Thunderbird, the popular e-mail client.
You can use TB-Tray to hide Thunderbird to the tray while you don't need it.
When you click the tray icon, TB-Tray will restore Thunderbird.
It also has a menu of options for quick access to Thunderbird features.
Thunderbird-Tray is freeware (open source) and licensed under the GPL.

Download TB Tray 1.2 Development Test 1 [750 kb download / 1.6MB installed]
(MD5: d365fba365e0a10c23c5c28d873ef704)

Release Notes:

Development Test 1 (2012-03-24):Initial release

    I have modified program so on first run it will run the configure utility, after first run it launches straight through to the program.

  • In configuration I have sort of disabled the feature to have it start at Windows start, it will appear in Startup folder on first use but will automatically be removed on exit. If you want it to run on platform start up you can do that via the menu right click run at start up option of the Paltform
  • Program should be installed in same folder as ThunderbirdPortable is and I have set that up as the default. If you choose a folder that does not contain TBPortable it will default ot TB on the host computer. I have not found a way around this.
  • Also on first config if you choose Detect it will detect host computer...Not good and I have not found a way to disable this either
  • After first launch the config is not available unless you either Delete the Data folder and then relaunch or open the Program directory and launch the config from the exe there (TBTrayConfigPortable.exe Best and easiest thing is to just delete the Data folder as it only contains setup information only
  • In theory this could also be setup to launch TBP 2nd profile you would need to change the defaults manually in the setup window browsing to TBP 2nd profile directory and changing the exe to the one for TBP 2nd profile. I have tried this and it will work
  • all default values were pre-loaded by me so as to hopefully prevent issues with accidental program defaults chosen.

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10

If anyone has any suggestions on fixing the issues I would appreciate hearing about it. At this time I am just releasing it as I found it useful and figured I would share. I could modify the source except 1 I do not have Delphi to recompile it and 2 it also used Resource Hacker and I am unfamiliar with how that was implemented into the Delphi.

So for now it will probably only be development test

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

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