I had an idea that i think might be useful for others related to ejecting the drive.
I was wondering if it would be possible to make it that when ejecting the portableapps drive, that it prompts to end all task/processes related to the portableapps drive so there will be no problems regarding ejecting drives and then we could choose wether or not to end the processes.
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PortableApps Eject Idea!
April 17, 2012 - 4:32pm
PortableApps Eject Idea!
I believe that is already being done in the Platform. That, or it's planned.
Hasn't been implemented yet, unless John has it in his dev version but hasn't shared it with the rest of us.
It's coming in an upcoming version. It handles apps vs launchers intelligently rather than treating them all the same.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!