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Quiting VLC crashes my pc (with blue screen of death !)

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Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 2012-04-19 06:13
Quiting VLC crashes my pc (with blue screen of death !)

Well what could I add to that ?!
Yes, I'm running VLC portable 2.0.1 I think on a usb key.
Pc is running Win Xp Pro.
Just leaving VLC crashes 2 different pc's of mine ! Everytime.
Any idea ?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 14 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
PC Issue

Normally, an app can't crash a modern day version of Windows. Unless something is wrong with said PC. Generally, crashes happen with either media players or browsers and are often due to issues with the video card driver.

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Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 45 min 7 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
What is the specific error on

What is the specific error on the blue screen? This can be a good indication of what is going wrong.

If the error is PFN_LIST_CORRUPT, it is more than likely either an issue with a corrupt driver (most probably audio or video drivers), or it can also indicate a problem with your RAM.

If it is happening only with VLC and nothing else it is more than likely a driver issue as John says above.

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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Perhaps VLC has been messed up by a crash?

I imagine it's possible that something happened to your installation of VLC that has screwed it up, maybe during a crash.
Have you tried totally uninstalling VLC and re-installing it fresh?

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Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
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Thanks for your

Thanks for your reactions.
The fact that it does crash 2 different pc's makes me suspect my usb key.
I'm going to change the usb key first. It will be done in the coming days.
VLC on the hardrive doesn't bother me.
I will let you know.
I will note the message on the blue screen (if ?) next time I try again.

Best regards,

Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 2012-04-19 06:13
problem solved with new usb key

At this stage the problem is solved. I may try to reinstall vlc on the old key as one suggested.

Best regards,

Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 2012-04-19 06:13
The problem is still there ! quiting VLC portable crashes the PC

and loss of flash drive as well ! No access anymore, total loss.

I can't believe it.

I'm playing mp4 downloaded from youtube but there's nothing wrong with these files since they play fine in any other situations and apps.

So what's going on with VLC portable version ? It's not secure to use it to my experience.

Best regards,

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 14 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
PC Issue

An app can't crash a modern PC unless there is something wrong with it. Generally, it's a video driver issue (especially on laptops which have notoriously bad drivers). The drive issue is often triggered by browsers, video players and some games. When a PC is quickly crashed in this fashion and it happens while a flash drive is being written to, it can corrupt or kill the flash drive.

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Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 2012-04-19 06:13
no PC issue

I don't think about a PC issue since it happens on 3 different pc's (2 at home & 1 at work).

I found the following parameter in the ini file :

The WaitForVLC entry allows you to set the VLC Portable Launcher to wait for VLC to close before it closes. This option is mainly of use when VLCPortable.exe is called by another program that awaits it's conclusion to perform a task.

I'm running vlc portable 2.0.2 and all my pc's are running XP (I could test it on a Win 7 pc).

I'm playing mainly big MP4 files ( ex. 300 Mb) from Youtube downloaded music. These files play fine in vlc (installed on the pc) or in any other player (incl. my pda running WinMo 6.5)

1 time on 2 or 3 the pc crashes hardly when I quit vlc : blue screen of death with only one reference to interrupt 000007a

NB: it's the second flash drive that I've destroyed by this mean.

Best regards,

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 14 hours 56 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Always Waits

That's an outdated setting. VLC Portable's launcher always waits now.

Again, an app (ANY app) should not be able to crash Windows anymore unless something is wrong with it. This is often a driver issue but does not necessarily need to be a graphics driver. I've never seen VLC local or portable crash any PC (Win2K to Win8) ever. A PC crashing is a pretty big deal and can corrupt any drives connected to it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Limitation of the problem

Do you have already tested the usage of a non portable version of the VLC player on your PC? I have sometimes detected, that some features doesn't work correctly with the portable version of an app. In this context I refer to my post Impossibility to use the new feature "Remote" in µTorrent 3.0 regarding µTorrent Portable. The feature, which I have described in that article, works fine with the non portable version of µTorrent but not with the portable version.

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Limitation of the testing

My problem is that I don't want to go on with the testing. It's indeed a big deal. I've crashed two brand new keys on this issue and I'm glad Windows on my pc's could recover from the trauma without errors.

All my music plays fine in Vlc (pc version) or any other player (incl. my pda). No problem when I quit Vlc (pc version).

I can't figure this out. I can't believe that if it happens with different usb flash drives on different pc's, I would be the only one to ever had this issue ?!

Maybe this issue has nothing to do with Vlc or any app. I remember now that I had once in the beginning the similar crash when I quited another app (Stellarium portable).

I'm sorry that I couldn't capture more info from crash. All I remember is that the error message is short and there is only 1 code 0x000007. Does this indicate a problem with the managing of internal virtual memory ?

Best regards,

Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
Joined: 2012-04-19 06:13
VLC portable copied to HD crashes too

What I did is copying the whole VLC portable directory to a directory on the pc and run the app from there.
Guess what ? VLC portable crashed the pc the first time I used it (error code in the blue screen = 0x0000007F)

I now want to test my MP4 files that I'm playing. Could they be corrupted someway or other ?

They seem ok but... yesterday, some of these files recently downloaded produced a strange phenomenon. Never had that before : I could see the files in explorer but as soon as I pointed (highlighted) some of these files with the mouse (just single click) then Explorer crashed !

Best regards,

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