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TightVNC Viewer Portable 2.5.2 Dev1

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TightVNC Viewer Portable 2.5.2 Dev1

Application: TightVNC Viewer
Category: Utilities
Description: TightVNC is a free remote control software package. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer.

Download TightVNC Viewer Portable [1 MB download / 1.6 MB installed]
(MD5: 631f5b7cc48948c77dd1109658243746)

Project page on GitHub

Known Issues:

  • If TightVNCViewerPortable is opened, then a local copy of TightVNC Viewer is opened, they will both share the same settings and logs. Basically, the local app will run just like the portable app as long as the portable app is open.
  • If TightVNCViewerPortable is opened, then a local copy of an older version of TightVNC Viewer is opened, unknown issues may arise (no tests were done for this scenerio).

Release Notes:

Un-Released Changes

  • If any changes have been made since the last release, they can be viewed at the above link.

2.5.2 Dev 1 (2012-JUL-10):

  • update to 2.5.2
  • add 64 bit version of the app
  • add Other/Source directory, as per specifications

2.5.1 Development Test 5 (2012-05-10):

  • run AppCompactor
  • move log files instead of the directory they are in, rename the dir they are saved to in the Data dir to logs, create an App\DefaultData dir

2.5.1 Development Test 4 (2012-05-10):

  • use %ALLUSERSAPPDATA% instead of %ProgramData%, don't save the dir created there, only delete it if it's empty

2.5.1 Development Test 3.0.1 (2012-05-09):

  • delete web dir that was included with app: it is not included with current distribution of TightVNC
  • delete reg key if empty, update Homepage and version

2.5.1 Development Test 3 (2012-05-09):

  • updated to latest format
  • updated TightVNC to 2.5.1

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
test's performed

I tested this on a system that has never had TightVNC installed, and it left no occurrences of the text "TightVNC" in the registry or file-system, EXCEPT things like MuiCache and recent items (my understanding is that these items are ok to leave behind)
I also tested on a system that currently has TightVNC installed, and it backed up the local install's settings, then restored them when it was done, as expected.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 33 min 42 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
A few of suggestions/questions

The app itself:

  • %ProgramData% isn't a valid cross-platform environment variable, it is Win Vista/7 only. You should use %ALLUSERSAPPDATA% instead if files/folders are actually being created there.
  • As indicated in the launcher documentation for CleanTemp, did you thoroughly test to ensure nothing is being written to %TEMP%? This is honestly the first app I have looked into that uses CleanTemp.

The post:

  • You should include the version number of the app (2.5.1 in this case) in the thread title. This is more important that the development test number in letting people know what version they are getting. The only time you wouldn't include it is for an online installer that always downloads the latest version.
  • Not being the previous developer of this you should have started at development test 1.
  • Development tests increment in whole numbers only regardless of how major or minor the change, so 3.0.1 should have been 4.
  • Dev test number is also reset to 1 whenever you update the base app version.

With the dev test numbering stuff, think of it like this: Here we have TightVNC version 2.5.1. This is the first development test of it, so it is 2.5.1 dev test 1. You update a couple of things in the package, but the base app is the same, so we now have the first revision, thus 2.5.1 dev test 2. If you were then to update the base app (lets say 2.5.4 came out), then you would have the first packaged version of 2.5.4, so it would be 2.5.4 dev test 1.

Also, just because the name of the app doesn't occur elsewhere in the registry or filesystem does not mean other changes haven't been made (you were lucky with TightVNC, but other apps are not as forgiving in their registry/file/folder naming schemes). You should always use an app like RegShot Portable for testing portability.

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
Thanks for the constructive

Thanks for the constructive feedback. This is my first PortableApp and I'm learning (and making mistakes) as I go.

- I'll switch to %ALLUSERSAPPDATA%, thanks for pointing that out
- I think I need to do a more thorough search before disabling CleanTemp. I added it because an empty Temp dir was being added to the Data directory.

Thanks for the clarification about revision numbers: that was one of the things I wasn't sure how to manage. Another question regarding that: when does a new thread need to be created? I thought it was when the Dev test revision was incremented (which is why I went to 3.0.1).

I did use RegShot as well, but forgot to mention it in my previous post. Regardless, I want to do some more testing for other file's being created.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 33 min 42 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
No new thread

Hey, you are doing pretty well for your first. It took me a good few made for personal use only until I felt ready to release something.

You can just continue using the same thread. All you have to do is update your title and initial post as you go, and make sure to keep your release notes updated. It is also worthwhile adding a reply to your thread, as simply updating the post won't bring it to the top of the recent message queue. Just as long as you aren't replying too often, people will be accepting of a bump as notification of an update.

As an example, check out XMedia Recode. It has been updated and developed in the same thread since 2009.

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
Got it, thanks. I swear I

Got it, thanks. I swear I read somewhere about creating a new thread for new versions, and old thread's will be deleted. I don't know where that was now though; I probably misunderstood.

David Dixon II
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Last seen: 3 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2007-06-11 22:54

I just logged into the freenode end of my ZNC and I got your message.

Truth is, I haven't been on here in a long time. Despite that, however, I'm glad you took up this interest. Hope it goes well!

Na na na, come on!

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
Dev Test 4

I did extensive testing to test for additional files/registry entries being created, and found none that seemed relevant. It looks like using CleanTemp=false is ok. The only registry entries things like: mui, firewall, recent. My understanding is that these are ok to leave behind. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I did notice a possibility of collision with a local copy of the same app: If TightVNC server is running and logging is enabled, and it's logging to the users directory (default), then the launcher for TightVNC Viewer Portable will fail to move the directory that server is logging to and both the portable version's log files and local version's log files can be lost.
To resolve this, I would need to not open TightVNC Viewer Portable if tvnserver.exe is running - that I can do. But, it can also run as a service: can I check for that? I don't know how to.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 33 min 42 sec ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Those reg entries are fine to

Those reg entries are fine to ignore as you figured.

As for the potential collision with the TVNC Server, would it be reasonable to handle the non-log files from TVNC Viewer individually, the log files with wildcard substitution, and then use DirectoriesCleanupIfEmpty? Haven't looked that far into it myself, so I don't know whether the files are in their own sub-directories (makes it easy) or not, or if the filenames are in a format specific enough to differentiate server files from viewer files.

NSIS isn't my thing, so no idea how to detect running services, although I expect it is possible.

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
That's just what I needed to

That's just what I needed to hear; and it worked!

The log files are named tvnviewer... or tvnserver..., so it was easy to write a [FilesMove] section to single out the viewer-related logs.

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
useful tools

In the process of portablizing this app, I found a few useful programs that I haven't seen mention on this site yet...

  • Everything Portable: Can sort files by last modified time, run your app, then see a list of files that get modified.

NirSoft Utilities:

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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64bit version

I don't have a 64bit OS to add support for the 64bit version. If someone else was willing to install the app locally, then contribute the modifications needed to include the 64bit version, I would appreciate it.

The easiest way to do this (for me) would be if you fork the project on GitHub, make the appropriate changes, then submit a pull-request.

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
official app?

Whats required to make this an official portable app?

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
updated to 2.5.2 Dev 1

updated to 2.5.2 Dev 1

Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-09-18 12:40
opening configuration files is broken

When connected to a remote host you can click on the floppy disk icon to save a configuration file. However, when I try to open TightVNC using a configuration file (after associating it with the executable, or using drag and drop) I get an error "Connection parameters (host, port, socket, gates) is empty. This method works using non-portable TightVNC on another PC. Is there a way to get this to work?

Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-26 04:18
add -optionsfile=

I was able to re-produce this error, and apparently an additional command line switch is used to specify a configuration file. If you are using PortableFileAssociator, you can modify your command line to make this work:

path\to\app\TightVNCViewerPortable.exe -optionsfile="%1"

I'm not sure how a local install of TightVNC is able to work without specifying this command line switch, but this is the only way I know how to do it. I'm not sure if I could make the portable app launcher work the same as the locally installed program and not require this switch. It might be able to be done with custom code, but I don't think I'll be getting to that any time soon, if ever.

Last seen: 7 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-09-18 12:40
Thanks for the fast response.

Thanks for the fast response. Works great. I didn't know about PortableFileAssociator.

Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-16 18:03
App updated


Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2023-02-03 16:30
New Version of TightVNC 2.8.63

Any chance of getting this latest version turned into a portable app and added to the main list of available apps? There doesn't seem to be any other similar app listed on the website. Just some old versions of TightVNC in the forum. Thanks in advance.

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