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"Could not create" errors?

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Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2012-06-12 03:57
"Could not create" errors?

hi! any idea why i can't sync a usb hard drive connected to a NAS?

00:32:23 Toucan 3.0.4
Date: 2012-06-12
Computer Name: DAVIDICUS_X220
Operating System: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition

00:41:13 Could not create :\LG-NAS\
00:41:13 Could not create :\LG-NAS\WDC_WD36_usb1\
00:41:13 Could not create :\LG-NAS\
00:41:13 Could not create :\LG-NAS\service\
00:41:13 Could not create :\LG-NAS\service\backup\
00:41:13 Could not create :\LG-NAS\service\backup\Shuttle SB61G2\

Elapsed: 00:08:50

Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-06 09:14
Try the latest version

Why not try the latest beta: 3.1 Pre-Release 11? It fixes a boat load of issues.

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2012-06-12 03:57
looks like it can't hurt to

looks like it can't hurt to try--thanks!

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