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Slow download speeds?

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Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-07-01 18:12
Slow download speeds?

Hi, with school starting again in a couple months, I figured i should start using mostly portable apps again (so i have same programs at school and home)

So i hadn't used the platform in awhile, and when i got it this time, I saw it had a way to get the apps through the platform rather than downloading and installing each one seperately. I selected all the ones i wanted and let it do it's thing.

My question is, why is it so slow? i'm getting an average of about 65 kb/s while my normal download speed on files is about 1300 kb/s. Note this is on many different files not just one, and also when i download one of the apps manually I get the normal 1300 kb/s.

It isn't all that important to me since theres no rush, but i am curious if others have the same problem, since it might be something that needs to be fixed in future releases.

Windows 7 64bit
Latest portableapps platform
Safari 5.1.7 (latest)
(using the download links off the portableapps website)

Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-04 14:15

I've noticed this too. Being the "IT" guy at my company, I setup all new employee computers. We've known that many popular, personal software tools will conflict with our business software.

I used to sit with any new employee and set up a custom PA.c menu of their preferred apps, however that process takes FAR too long. I now have a flash drive of ever popular app I've needed to install, and just copy that on every new/cleaned computer.

I'd like to go back to the way it was when I would just give them the tools they want and off they go. Like the OP, I'm not looking for a solution, but I'd like the "problem" known.

Limits are for people with no imagination.

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