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Lastpass Pocket.exe / PortableApps 10.1.2 / Windows XP

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Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2012-07-05 23:04
Lastpass Pocket.exe / PortableApps 10.1.2 / Windows XP

I am supporting some people who use password manager "lastpass" and who have the standalone portable version of lastpass called "pocket".
Something strange happens when pocket.exe is executed from the PA menu.

This is PA version 10.1.2;

pocket.exe can be downloaded from and it is the last program on that page (32 bit)- no need to install, only need to copy to target location;

apparently this only is problematic under Windows XP.

It seems very specific problem.

When pocket.exe is simply copied to a subfolder of its own under the portableapps folder on a USB drive, and it then displays normally in the PA menu, if the user choose it from the PA menu (it asks to log in, but you just cancel that) then pocket.exe executes but its program menus are abnormals and other functions seem not work. The menus open but are compressed in vertical direction, just two line, with up/down arrows but no options visible.

If one navigates to the binary pocket.exe on the USB drive and choose it directly (so ignoring PA), it executes normally.

Can anyone please suggest why executing from PA menu cause this bug?
At present, not sure if this is lastpass problem or PA problem - never seen this before.

I am told that, in the past, which means older lastpass pocket.exe and older PA platform, this worked as expected. I don't have the binaries to verify.

Thanks to all

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Pocket.exe Bug / Workaround

I've confirmed this issue on Windows XP SP3. It seems that when the platform's automatic language switching is enabled, Pocket is having this issue. If you go into Options in the platform and untick the box next to Use this language for all apps, it will cease.

The only thing doing this does is blank out these environment variables:

And Pocket.exe should not be affected by this, but it is apparently reading them. It's likely some unfinished language switching code they baked into pocket.exe that doesn't work quite right.

So, you can disable language switching in apps for now to work around it. You'll shortly be able to do this just for Pocket.exe by the way. And we should report it to LastPass so they can fix this issue.

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