I´ve been facing a problem with the Back up utility in Portable Apps, which is it does not complete the task. It starts but at some point, a error message apears and the back up closed itself.
Because I´m not smart enough, I´m unable to create a log to view in what point the problem appears.
Any tips?
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Back up
July 26, 2012 - 6:48am
Back up
What is the error message that appears? What drive are you backing up to and what format is it (FAT32/NTFS)? How large is the drive you are backing up?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
the error message is "The backup process failed to complete. Please check your configuration".
My pendrive is a Kingston DT 100 G2 - 16GB, aprox. 9GB to back up. It is in FAT32 and the problem occurs in XP or Seven. It is an entire backup process.
You can only write to FAT32 drives files 4GB or less. For larger files you need to reformat the drive to NTFS.
Be sure to backup all your files and folders on the drive before reformatting.
You mean, insted of a backup, I do a copy? I´ll try that.
Thanks for the tip.
That worked fined. Now I can have the backup app in Portableapps working fine.
But now I can´t use that pendrive in a Linux environment, is that right?
Thanks again.
It should work fine in Linux, unless your distro hasn't been updated in the last ten years.