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Xampp & PHP

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Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2012-08-29 08:46
Xampp & PHP

Hi guys.

Sorry for what might seem like a simple question...but:

I have installed XAMPP, and XAMPP control panel.

They appear to work fine, I unzipped it to the root of my flash drive like i read to do, opened up the control panel, started Apache, Mysql - went into phpmyadmin, made a DB and some tables inside it.

I also have notepad++ installed from before, I created a simple page with just initializing a variable and then echo'ing it - however when previewed in Firefox it does not show the PHP elements.

Am I missing some obvious step here?

Many thanks,


Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-04 21:51
I don't know. Unless I don't

I don't know. Unless I don't understand correctly, this is basically how I run my setup. Is there a problem with your MySQL username and password?

Have you tried simple PHP statements (without MySQL) to see if they work?
ex.: $test = 2 + 3; echo $test

And, the very basic, are you using the ".php" extension? If not, the Apache processor won't treat it and Firefox will consider it as a pure html page.

Basically, I develop a few websites using XAMPP, PHP and MySQL. My setup is the following:
– Current XAMPP setup as defined here:

– I develop a few websites with different web addresses, so I changed the configuration file in (use Notepad and follow instructions included in the comments of that file):

For example, I have:

NameVirtualHost *:80

ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot "X:/xampp/htdocs"

ServerName abc.localhost
DocumentRoot "X:/SITES/SiteABC"


where "SiteABC" folder is essentially my local/development copy of the site hosted at http:// abc dot com. It is stored on my portable drive.
All other sites are similarly defined, with a local address at http://xxx.localhost

To go *beyond* the localhost address, you need – in theory – to modify your "hosts" file. Instead of doing that, I prefer to use an extension on my copy of Firefox Portable. That way, it works everywhere...

So I use the FoxyProxy Standard extension ( )
with the following rules configured:
– default rule: at the bottom (i.e. last rule read)
– Local server rule: at the top (i.e. first rule read)
Info tab: *Manual Proxy: host at:
URL pattern (only one rule): http://*.localhost/*

Michel Gagnon
Montréal (Québec, Canada)

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