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Help make Monster RPG 2 free (and portable)

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Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-06-10 16:53
Help make Monster RPG 2 free (and portable)


Monster 2 [portable app link] has been pretty popular here, so I thought I'd post this.

Monster 2 has a paid version called Monster RPG 2 with tonnes of upgrades to it. Well, I'm trying to make Monster RPG 2 free and open source and I need your help. If it happens, it could easily be made into a portable app for this site.

I started an Indiegogo campaign for it a few days ago. With a donation of as little as $1, you can help out. And there are some cool perks (for both players and developers) for larger donations too (like alpha access to our new game.)

If you enjoyed Monster 2, check it out!
