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Making PortableApps Suite .. portable

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Last seen: 12 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2012-10-15 04:20
Making PortableApps Suite .. portable

Well, i've had this issue a few versions ago

actually its a couple of issues

1. I installed the suite in a certain location - then moved it from that location.. and it wouldn't run correctly, it kept creating folders in the old location

2. I had previously installed portable apps (with edited install dirs) - when I added them to the portable apps folder they were detected in the menu, but no updates were found for them

and lastly its more of a request. please remove those folders documents music picture lalala, or give me an option to do it. I keep deleting them

Also, I'd like to be able to sort the items inside the menu, and have a different view option (icons only, size etc)

atm i only use the suite for updating my apps. It would be cool to make it so I can use its full potential.

(also some transparency wouldn't hurt)

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 1 min ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Where did you install it to,
  1. Where did you install it to, and where did you move it to? It should not create anything outside of the level at which it is installed, unless you you accidentally copied instead of moved it, or you only moved a part of it.
  2. Apps will only update automatically (at the moment) if they are installed to the default directory name.
  3. Customisable folders is already noted here
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