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Chex Quest 1-3 Portable 1.4.0 Dev Test 1

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darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
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Chex Quest 1-3 Portable 1.4.0 Dev Test 1

Application: Chex Quest 1-3
Category: Games
Description: From the fan wiki:
Chex Quest, made by Digital Café, is a total conversion of The Ultimate Doom. It was released in boxes of Chex Cereal in 1996, becoming the first game to be included in a cereal box. When it was released, it increased sales by over 200%. It then went on to win both the Golden Reggie Award for Promotional Achievement, and the Silver EFFIE Award for Advertising Effectiveness.

In 1997, Digital Café released a sequel entitled Chex Quest 2, available for free at A year later, some fans of the series put together Chex Quest 3, which mainly contained graphics and levels stolen from other Doom mods, but eventually an official Chex Quest 3 was released.

Note: The plugin version is for ZDoom Portable. It should work identically to the standard version; please note any problems in the comments.

SourceForge project page

Download Chex Quest Portable 1.4.0 Dev Test 1 (6.50MB download / 24.3MB installed)
(MD5: b5382eba353689285cb7ec15cef60289)

Download Chex Quest 1.4.0 Dev Test 1 Plugin for ZDoom (4.81MB download / 18.6MB installed)
(MD5: 1f92f22447d9c3121aae823b2b721f5d)

Release Notes:

See all release notes at the SourceForge project page.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 24 min ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Is it open source?

It is based on ZDoom (Open Source) but I can't find any source links or licensing info for this project from the website you linked. I also can't any source or licensing info on the developers homepage (which is linked somewhere deep within the wiki). As this is based on GPL'ed source, if the original developer hasn't released his source this app is in violation of the ZDoom licence.

Beyond that, a few minor issues:

  1. Your post makes no indication whether this is the first, second or third game. From what I can see it is the third which includes 1 & 2 as playable content.
  2. Everywhere within the wiki the game(s) name is written as "Chex Quest" but you have it everywhere as "ChexQuest"
  3. Your help.html is still the template file.
  4. You need to add Trademark information - see the CQ3 ReadMe.txt file in the app dir.

EDIT: You've also got an extra file in the app dir - chex3-Matt.ini. If this can be changed based on in-game or manual settings it should be handled as data instead of just having it stay in the app dir.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28

Before I packaged this, I contacted Charles Jacobi to make sure I'd be in the clear to use his work, and he replied that it was okay as long as I didn't profit from it. I can try and contact him about the source thing, but to be honest, I have no clue what's going on with that.

1) I updated the name on the page to reflect that it's 1-3 [Addendum: Is there any way you can change the forum topic to reflect that too? That's beyond my capability, I think]
2) That typo is just me writing things wrong, I'll fix that ASAP
3) I'll try to put the right help file in there. [EDIT: Can't find any official help-file. Should I link to the wiki? Or what do you suggest?]
4) Not really sure where the TM stuff goes in the files Found the part in the documentation referring to trademark. Got the right information in there. [Haven't ran into that before so again, apologies]

As for the extra file, I must have left that there by accident when I was testing. I'll remove it for the next release.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 24 min ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Yeah you will have to contact

Yeah you will have to contact him. As far as I can see the game is in GPL violation (can't legally be posted here), unless you can find/get a link to the game's source.

1 - When you hit Edit there should be a subject line - that is the topic title.

3 - Use the template help file you already have there, but go through it in a plain text editor and change every instance of **AppName** or **App Name** to the name of the app, add in the descriptions and links, remove one of the licence lines - then make sure it all makes sense.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
I sent an email to the

I sent an email to the original packager, so I hope we can get this cleared. If not, I'll take down what I have from sourceforge and pa.c.

1) I didn't even notice that line before. Not sure how I missed it, but the naming should be taken care of
3) I updated the help file to include the proper names and such (as far as I can tell).

Thanks for this feedback btw. Besides BlueJ, this is the only one that's gotten deep feedback quickly.

EDIT: I still haven't heard anything from Mr. Jacobi, but I did see this random tidbit about the release I used while on Wikipedia.

Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 24 min ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Looking into it a bit

Looking into it a bit further, if the ZDoom engine is completely untouched code-wise and all that has been done is the wad file, I would assume it is legally fine as GPL'ed code would not have been touched in the process.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28

Does this mean it's good to go (at least as a test release)? And if so, I'll re-email Mr. Jacobi and tell him to ignore my previous email.

Last seen: 4 years 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-01-24 17:01
I had a look

I had a look at this because the wad is playable with ZDoom Portable :-)

Anyway, that ini file you removed is, by default, named according to the current user account so it'll fail as soon as you move the package to another machine (or account). Also, your saved games & screenshots are being left in the app directory. I know you're preserving it on upgrade but perhaps a better solution would be something like this...


; removed... WaitForProgram=false

; added...
CommandLineArguments=-config "%PAL:DataDir%\chex3.ini"


You could use DefaultData to set up a better data directory folder structure but that would at least keep the app directory clean. Have a look at ZDoom Portable for some ideas :-) Hope it helps & sorry for all the plugs...

Also, I think it would be better if the link in your help file pointed here.

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Wow. Thanks for that. I'll

Wow. Thanks for that. I'll mess around with it to make sure the settings stay where they should. That's probably the file that I left in accidentally the first time around.

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