Hey there. I'm having a strange issue with my app ProTeXt Portable. After fixing a bug reported by a user where I needed to change AppInfo.ini a little, I noticed that the icons don't show up for either part of the application. I rebuilt making sure that the icons were included properly in the .exe's and still they show up with no icon in the launcher.
I did a quick check of the forums to see if anyone ran into this before and unfortunately, I couldn't find any examples of this. So if anyone is willing to help me, I'd appreciate it. And if I somehow manage to fix it, I'll be sure to post it here.
Thanks in advance to all ye intrepid adventurers.\
Please post a zipped version of your AppInfo directory for me to review. I can't download a 190MB installer in any short amount of time. Ensure you have icons setup for both EXEs within the AppInfo.ini. As a general rule, we do not allow apps to have multiple icons anymore unless there is no other way around it. Only LibreOffice and OpenOffice.org have exceptions.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Easier yet, please post your appinfo.ini, and we might be able to figure out from there, without needing the whole app.
I will note in advance that the reason I have 2 EXEs is because there are 2 editors included (because of the original package), namely TeXstudio and TeXworks. Also, I use different icons because both editors are distinct programs (FOSS, don't worry) that have their own icons and identities.
Why are there two different editors included in the same app? Does one call the other? Is one a modified integrated version of another?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The reason there are 2 programs is because the bundle that I converted, called ProTeXt includes a TeX editor called TeXstudio and a backend called MiKTeX. MiKTeX includes a few tools of it's own, including a stripped down (and apparently preferred by some) TeX editor known as TeXworks. I include the second one because I had gripes appear on the original SourceForge page about the usability of TeXstudio alone.
Does the bundle work separately? I note on the homepage for the app that it indicates it has numerous applications included, including Ghostscript, which you don't need, since we have it available already as a common plugin.
I actually forgot there was a GS portable when I was building it originally. As for "working separately", TeXworks is a part of MiKTeX, and I am not quite sure what parts are necessary or not. The alternative is that when proTeXt runs, the MiKTeX menu comes up with it, and TeXworks is an option to run from there, so I could remove it as a separate exe. Let me mess around with it and, if anything comes of it, I'll post an updated version that uses GSPortable. I'll just have to make note of that in the changelog for testers.
Which is the primary app? Is TeXworks usually available as a separate app? And MiKTeX is a larger app built on it? Then the app is MiKTeX. Remove the other icon.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
In the newest version, there's a way of getting to TeXworks through a menu, so I removed it as a separate EXE. Other weird thing, MiKTeX is a standalone program, but it's all backend stuff, that's why it includes TeXworks. But in the newest version, I removed the second one so it should be okay.
Ok, that looks ok so far. Do you have appicon1(_16,_32,_128).(ico,png) & appicon2(_16,_32,_128).(ico,png) in App\Appinfo?
...and there lies the problem. I feel a bit the fool on that one. Let me try that.
EDIT: That fixed it. Thanks. I think this is the first time I had 2 apps and the thought didn't cross my mind. I think I'll rename this thread "Solved"