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*Bug?* Google Chrome Portable - keeps appearing in Start Menu

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OtakuboyT's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2012-11-04 12:25
*Bug?* Google Chrome Portable - keeps appearing in Start Menu

I dual boot, so I use portable apps to keep the same setting across OS.

On my laptop I have Chrome Portable installed on the shared drive.

D:\Programs\Google Chrome

Every couple of days I find a Google Chrome folder in my start menu. Inside that folder is a link to a different copy of Chrome located at


Also an uninstall shortcut.

I'll delete the folder and few days later it's back.

It only seems to happen in my primary OS which is Vista SP2


Last seen: 12 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2010-07-28 22:05
Try a different folder name

Windows Vista (and Windows 7) treats portable programs in the "Program Files" folder differently (to XP). Long story short, they treat them as if they are locally installed programs instead and change the way they run.

I'm guessing your Vista is treating the D:\Programs folder the same and is causing your problems.

Maybe make a D:\PortableApps folder and move your (portable) Google Chrome folder there and see if the problem happens again.

also (borrowing John's words), "If you create a shortcut to chrome.exe or set Chrome as your default browser, it will run in local mode" which could be a possible cause of something like this?

Good luck

OtakuboyT's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2012-11-04 12:25
I ended up hiding the start

I ended up hiding the start menu folder, seems to work.

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