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portableapps platform overloaded

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Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2012-11-06 05:02
portableapps platform overloaded

A portable app means to me: easy to handle, easy to move where i want, easy to backup. Just the feeling of a lightweighted, clean app.

But what i feel using the portableapps platform is exactly the opposite of this.

Of course I appreciate the automatically updating function of the "installed" apps. but that's allmost all. For that i have to resign a lean, lightweighted and easy to adapt tool? Functions like Backup are not essential but already implemented. Why? Each windows user should have a backup solution for his own system. It should not be the job of a menu-frontend to offer a backup solution for some part of my system.

A lightweighted tool which offers all essential functions unless the awesome app-update-function is PStart ( I mention this here, because i would highly appreciate the portableapps platform to be as easy to use and to modify as this one is.
E.g. here you can drag and drop links from where ever you want, you can move them up and down, build categories and its all very fast - not the feeling of an excessively designed but sluggish user-frontend. It just simply does what it should do.

Please think about the original idea of using portable apps on a windows system.

best regards,

Last seen: 1 hour 19 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

> Functions like Backup are not essential but already implemented. Why? Each windows user should have a backup solution for his own system. It should not be the job of a menu-frontend to offer a backup solution for some part of my system.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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