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Have installed the current update over the previous one, all went ok, now LO tells me it is version (update package is called 3.6.3)
Is that correct?

Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-11-10 22:42
I show after the

I show after the update.

Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-08 20:52
Auto Update Fails, Manual Update Shows v.

I've been encountering a similar experience. When I attempt an auto-update of LibreOffice it fails, referencing a 'Download Error: Reget Error on file' error or occasionally indicating a corruption in the file loader.

If I attempt a manual update with the file 'LibreOfficePortable_3.6.3_MultilingualNormal.paf.exe', it will install, but shows up in the PortableApps menu as v.3.6.2. On launching LibreOffice and checking the version number under Help/About, it has shown as both v., Build ID: 58f22d5 and v., Build ID: da8c1e6.

I haven't yet had the opportunity to invest the time to determine if this issue is due to a problem with the files supplied from LibreOffice or if it is due to a configuration error embedded in the PortableApps PAF file. The version of the PAF file I used was downloaded on 13 Nov 2012 at 10:20 EST.

Does anyone know which version of LibreOffice this PAF should actually be? Any thoughts as to why different version numbers would be displayed without running a new install. In this particular instance, v. was the version first displayed on launching the application after rebooting and v. was the version number displayed after relaunching the application.

I'll try performing some additional tests to see if I can get the v. identifier to reappear and will post an update if I can come up with a systematic way of recreating the displayed version sequence.



Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-08 20:52
Download Failure

On experimenting further, it appears that the issue generating the error message is a download failure. This was particularly noticeable when attempting to download the PAF file using Firefox. Had better luck downloading it using Opera, though even there I had to restart the download once. Not sure what is causing the problem, as all other PortableApps updates downloaded and installed without any errors.

Once I confirmed that I had the full download, I was able to launch the executable and it installed without any errors. The LibreOffice Help/About screen indicated that the installed version was Version (Build ID: 58f22d5).


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