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Lost default msg sort by

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Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-08 22:53
Lost default msg sort by

Installed TBP to thumb drive. Then copied over the profile. All 105 msg folders sort sequence had been set as descending and threaded reverted to the presumably default ascending & unthreaded.

This will take an hour to correct -- 2 settings each for each folder! Is there a way to prevent this? If so I would prefer to simply delete this profile, change whatever file and again migrate.

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-08 22:53
All 150 folders have been

All 150 folders have been manually changed to descending/threaded which presumably wore out a good portion of the new 2gb thumb drive!

Discovered that when TB was first opened all of the folders had question marks in lieu of actual msg counts, both unread and total. Go to View/Sort by and they read as I had them set. But when click on the folder it then changes the question marks to the actual numbers and the settings are reversed.

This occurred to me about year ago when first moving over from Moz to SM, so it might be a bug in the programs?

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-08 22:53
Am surprised that no one has

Am surprised that no one has responded. Does that mean that it is in fact a bug in in TB? Hopefully someone will come up with a method to avoid this for the next time!

Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-01-09 22:05
Limitations of Flash Drive.

I would be that you are running into a limitation of your flash drive. I would think that 150 folders would be excessive for a flash drive to handle. Talks about read/write. Any app, portable or not that reads/writes to your drive excessively can be a problem. By placing that amount of data into TBP you may have overwhelmed your flash drive.

How big is your PTB folder? Mine is 40mb and I think that is big.

You could also take a copy of TBP on the local PC copy the profile from TBP on your flash drive and use the local PC to edit your files. Then copy the profile back to your flash drive when you are done.

You could also delete the specific mail folder from your profile, but I would not do it on the flash drive because it won't help with your sorting issue.


Bumping the thread by saying no one has answered me yet is bad etiquette.

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Life is about the journey not the destination!

The Kazoo Spartan

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-08 22:53
Thanks for your reply.

Thanks for your reply. Doubtful, but unknown whether or not the flash drive is overwhelmed. It's a 2gb Scandisk with 1.5gb unused space. TBP is 424mb, 321 of which being mail.

And since being on the road have found that it again reverted to ascending & unthreaded. Changed a few files several times and every time it's plugged into a computer, it again reverts. Don't understand why, since it didn't at home.

Question if this is a program bug or is hardware related as you suggest??? Either way, it renders the program virtually useless!!

Also have not been able to fully train junk even though have processed perhaps 5,000 spam msgs. So have reverted to reading email on which eliminates the spam without necessitating download (including some huge spam msgs) which takes far, far too long on public computers. Am only using TBP to save important received msgs, to send & to research saved msgs. (But that being such a chore I don't bother with it very frequently.)

As to making a copy of TBP on the local computer, that is out of question due to use of different computers when travelling.

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-08 22:53
Again traveling and

Again traveling and experienced the same. Wiped the thumb 2 gb Sandisk thumb drive, reinstalled FFP & TBP and copied profiles over from desktop. (Didn't install U3 versions) Arrived overseas and in TBP all of the "kept" mail folders have changed from Descending to Ascending plus are changed from threaded to unthreaded. Also all files show the unread and total msg columns as question marks until a particular folder is clicked on and opened.

Again inquired on the TB newsgroup and basically the only reply received was that it never has occurred to that user and he thought perhaps the thumb drive is overwhelmed by the size of the files. This has occurred prior in TB (not portable) and as I recall SM, but not in prior nuances.

Has anyone else experienced this? And has anyone come up with a workaround or a fix?

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

is 65Mb and everything works fine

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