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Updater Issue

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Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-11-23 09:20
Updater Issue


I always install my portable apps in a directory without the word "portable", because I think it's useless, once they're all in the PortableApps folder. So, inside the "PortableApps" folder, instead of install, for example, my Firefox portable at FirefoxPortable dir, I install it at Firefox dir, but i've realized that when the word "Portable" is suppressed, the updater can't find any new version. If I rename the dir to FirefoxPortable, the updater works fine.

I guess this is not the expected behavior, cause if the installer allows us to change the name of the destination dir, it's supposed that the updater will understand such change afterwards.

The following tree structures can make it easier to understand:

The updater doesn't work at all:
[-] PortableApps
    [+] Firefox
    [+] Notepad++
    [+] Opera

The updater works without any problem:
[-] PortableApps
    [+] FirefoxPortable
    [+] Notepad++Portable
    [+] OperaPortable

Can someone explain me this behavior?

I've looked for something about this issue at the forum, but I coudn't find anything.

Sorry, if I'm saying something stupid, but I've already tested this a lot of times and the result is always the same.

Congratulations for the amazing work.


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 13 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
By Design

The updater only works with apps installed to PortableApps\AppID. So it will update PortableApps\FirefoxPortable but not PortableApps\Firefox or FirefoxOld. Additionally, automatic inter-app functionality will fail if you rename directories (example: SpeedyFox Portable automatically detecting your Firefox profile to optimize, Firefox 2nd Profile working, Private Browsing by working, etc).

Once you have all your apps installed and are using the platform, there's generally no need to browse into the PortableApps directory, so it's best to just leave them as is. You can hide the "portable" in the names as you want within the platform (there's even an automatic option under the Advanced tab in Options and you can hide all splashes there, too).

When you use the Portable App Directory (the recommended method of installing), it picks the directory for you automatically. The ability to rename it is for advanced users to make multiple installations, custom installations for specific purposes, or a custom install to avoid updates like FirefoxPortableOld16 to have a specific version for testing.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 6 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-11-23 09:20
Not a Problem


I've already checked the option to hide the "portable" in the names, but thanks for the tip anyway.

I really would like to change the name of each app dir, but I don't think it will be a problem if I have to keep the default name. So, I've already changed the name of the folders and updated my ahk script. Now the PortableApps Updater and all my apps hotkeys are working smoothly.

Thanks for answering me so quickly. It was very usefull.

Best Regards,

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