Program: BeHappy
License: Open Source/GPL
Description: BeHappy is designed mostly for movie audiotrack transcoding. It's powerfull BeLight/BeSweet replacement.
Related thread:
Other (registry entries): don't know...
Program: Avisynth
License: Open Source/GPL
Description: AviSynth is a powerful tool for video post-production. It provides ways of editing and processing videos. AviSynth works as a frameserver, providing instant editing without the need for temporary files.
Other (registry entries): again, I don't know...
BeHappy is a strong audio editor, free and standalone, but it needs AviSynth installation and various plugins (libraries/dll), but I don't understand in wich folder...
I can't use it, always have errors for damn dll.
I don't know if exists a version portable of AviSynth, but I've found something about it here:
Could you make a portable app of BeAppy/Avisynth with all plugin, plese?
Thank you anyway.