I have made an open source currency converter writed in Python using the wxPython library for the user interface and urllib2 library with Google Calculator service API to retrieve updated data. The program supports convertion for 87 currencies.
I have also bundle it as standalone and portable application, without the need for any external libraries. I think it would be a good addition to the collection of portableapps.
The projects home page is http://www.multipetros.gr/public-projects/mna/
And a direct link to the latest bundle: https://bitbucket.org/multipetros/mna/downloads/mna_1.4.0-win_standalone.zip
Good concept. This will be very useful. Runs well... seems accurate.
I tried running the app but it wouldn't initially start, on Win 8. On downloading, Google chrome gave a warning that it is not commonly downloaded; and Windows 7 gave a warning about some risk before running the app, but I ran it anyway. However, AVG antivirus free edition gave no warnings.
Maybe, needs improvement on fixing the virus/error/risk warnings on launch.