So I downloaded chromium, firefox, and chrome internet browers and installed them onto my portable drive, and they work, but I notice they also all leave lots of files on the c drive of the computer (mainly in c:\users\username\Appdata, but other folders as well).
Is there any portable browser that leaves the c drive completely alone?
(If I run a browser on someone else's computer, I don't want to leave any trace at all on their c drive whatsoever, as in zero, nada, zip, nothing.)
Nothing is left behind in APPDATA in normal use of any of our browsers provided you start them with the FirefoxPortable.exe or similar launcher. This will not apply if you run Firefox.exe directly or associate the browser with files, etc, in which case the browser runs entirely in local mode as if it were installed.
When operated properly, nothing is left behind in TEMP or APPDATA, but there is no such thing as an app that leaves nothing behind on a Windows PC. Windows will maintain records of the EXEs your run, files you open, etc. The only way to remove those records is if you have admin rights. Additionally, everything you do will be visible to the network or firewall monitoring software.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
excellent answer, thank you very much.