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Windows security with portable apps

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VirtualMe's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2013-02-02 03:08
Windows security with portable apps

It's difficult to know whether or how this topic has been explored in the past because a search engine can only find 'so much'.

Having recently acquired and iPad from my nephew, I find it interesting how that mobile device handles security issues. Essentially, when running any iOS device you have the iOS operating system which runs totally independently from all other software. All added software utilities are essentially separate entities; each software installation is in effect a portable application that runs in its own sandbox.

Wouldn't it be a great idea if we at Portable Apps followed that convention and had our own sandbox manager that would compartmentalize each portable app so that given the availability of a portable version of the software we purchase, we didn't really need antivirus software

other than a simple scan of the software before we introduce it into our system. That would mean we would need far fewer running processes, and our PCs would run so much more efficiently.

Surely someone has been considering and working on something like this, because whoever could pull it off stands to make a huge amount of money by doing so.

However I guess that each time Microsoft comes up with a new update it would break the system. But in theory, what do you think ??

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

I think this could be tricky as must of the sandbox stuff is tricky to implement on a limited account I think.

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