I hope some smart guys, can help me, a girl who doesn`t know much about programming
I am working on making a USB with some games that can be used on school computers (i work at a school as a teacher). I have installed Minecraft on the USB by making a .bat file and copying the .minecraft folder and "minecraft.exe" to the usb. This worked perfect for some time, until java had an update. The school computer won`t update it, and now we can`t play minecraft. I downloaded the jportable launcher from this site and have tried to get it to work but it only finds .JAR-files. If i choose "show all files" and click on the.bat file i made for minecraft i get an error that it is an incorrect .jar file.
Can anyone please help me figure out how i can use a portable java (or other launcher) to get minecraft to work?
I am very fresh to making files and stuff, so i need a very detailed " how to" .
Thanks for all the help i can get
... so here's a nice solution, I hope, more specifially: this.
I didn't test this, but it should still work for the latest version and it should use the portable Java install (inside PortableApps/CommonFiles/Java).
Yes, I set the working directory!
I read through the posts you linked to, but can`t see to find any solution. The main problem here is that the jportable launcher only sees .JAR files, and when i set it to "show all files" and then click on the minecraftportable.bat file i get an error that says:
Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile E:\Minecraft Portable\portableminecraft.bat
The java i have on my homecomputer (not portable) can run the .bat file without any issues.
Witch - Norway
You didn't get my point: you don't need to write your own .bat file.
Minecraft is already made portable using the PortableApps Launcher. Run the installer, install on USB, put minecraft in the correct folder, run at school.
Yes, I set the working directory!