This is modified from a post send by leepa
Manual update of Firefox (Thunderbird):
0. Close Firefox (Thunderbird) Portable
1. Create a subfolder firefox-update (thunderbird-update) in a folder where application is installed
2. Download appropriate .mar file (from any ftp mirror under e.g. /pub/mozilla/thunderbird/
3. Copy the updater.exe file from application folder to firefox-update (thunderbird-update) subfolder
3a. Also copy updater.ini from application folder to firefox-update (thunderbird-update) subfolder
4. Copy the mar file to the folder created in step 1 and change its name to update.mar
5. From the command line change dir to application folder (either Firefox or Thunderbird)
6. From the same command line run the following command: ".\firefox-update\updater.exe .\firefox-update 0" (".\thunderbird-update\updater.exe .\thunderbird-update 0") - without quotes
7. Results can checked in the files: update.status and update.log in firefox-update (thunderbird-update) folder
You should see a progress bar and then it's finished.
Just restart your updated Thunderbird (Firefox)