Application: NoMachine's NX Client
Category: Internet
Description: From NoMachine's website
NoMachine's wide range of free NX Clients let you access your remote workstation wherever you are. With its award-winning performance, NX connects you to your desktop faster than any other remote access solution.
Download NX Client Portable 3.5.0-9 Development Test 2 [5.2MB download / 14.9MB installed]
(MD5: 630da75586206565b2272b7efcccf8fb)
Important Information:
After a remote session ends, a process named nxesd.exe may stay in memory. It appears this is the ESD (Enlightened Sound Daemon) that is not closed when the session terminates. If you do not want to use it, and thus avoid the orphan process, uncheck "Enable multimedia support" in the configuration of your session under Configure > Services > Multimedia, which is enabled by default for new sessions.
Release Notes:
3.5.0-9 - Development Test 2 (2012-02-23): Various package improvements.
3.5.0-9 - Development Test 1 (2012-02-21): Initial release.
NX Client has a very strange licence - it allows unlimited distribution (which is good) but it only allows use on a single computer in a commercial environment - meaning a portable version could not legally be marked as CommercialUse=true in appinfo.ini.
Also the icons are trademarked and the EULA specifically states
To me this would mean you cannot include their icon in your package, so you will have remove the appicon.ico and appicon_xx.png's and look at ExtractIcon in the appinfo.ini instead.
And - last thing - I would include their EULA in the package and have it display on installation. You just need to call the file EULA.txt and place it in the App\AppInfo folder and the installer should automatically display it when installing.
winterblood, thanks for the excellent tips! Mind you this is the first app I have packaged for others to use and your response is what I was hoping for.
For the launcher.ini, I think I have fixed it. Thanks
About your other points:
You have deleted Other\Help - this folder should not be removed.You have deleted the contents of Other\Source - these files should not be deleted.I have inserted the EULA.txt, but instead of the one you point out, I have copied the file from the downloadable package from the vendor, which is in App\NXClient\share\documents\client\license-info
I will update the package and link to it shortly. Thanks for all the help!
Sorry, forgot to link to it. There is an official PortableApps Application Template which is usually the best place to start a new app.
If you are looking for it later on, the best place to find it is just by clicking the "Development" link at the top of the page (it is one of the points listed under " Launcher (version)") - plus it is a good idea to check there once in a while to make sure you have the latest template.
Even if your app has no official release page here, either just include the default link or link to this page. Anything else in help.html you should be able to do to some degree.
thanks for the template, I downloaded it and I've swapped the files around, updated the help.html and it looks more appropriate now. I replaced the file on my server to reduce versioning increases for minor things like this.
I'm still unsure what's wrong with the ExtractIcon directive. Is it just me who is having this problem? If I don't include the icons then the launcher is not produced.
Any other tips would be very welcome, thanks.