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suggestion(s): app categories and reviews

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mutsuura's picture
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2011-03-25 14:23
suggestion(s): app categories and reviews


Have following suggestions...

After downloading/trying various apps both from here and other similar websites, I've noticed that the term "portable" is not accurate and used 'loosely'. Some, perhaps most, apps are TRULY 'portable' - i.e. can be copied/pasted anywhere and they will run. However, several won't. I suggest listed apps ought to come with qualifiers:...

PORTABLE: to mean TRULY portable, can be copied/pasted anywhere and will run regardless

STATIC: after initial install, app cannot run elsewhere unless re-installed from ~.PAF

ADMIN: requires Administrator rights in order to install/run

Also suggest it would be useful if/when people download 'n try apps, if they could provide a ranking ('star' system similar to Amazon's) would be useful to denote overall satisfaction.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 41 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

All apps fit the definition of portable:

All apps can be installed to a portable device and moved from PC to PC with the drive letter changing. If they could not, they would not be allowed in our app directory because they would not be portable.

Nearly all apps allow moves within relative paths (example, install to DropBox and sync between PCs). A small handful do not (uTorrent, qBittorrent) but will as soon as we work out a way to do so. Note that the apps can continue working in this instance but will lose certain functionality when moved (example: resuming already-started torrents in uTorrent due to the complicated way the resume.dat is structured).

The ONLY apps that require admin rights to be used portably are the ones that require admin rights to run at all. For example, system cleaners or disk defragmenters. They require admin rights no matter what, whether portable or already installed, due to the nature of the apps. Apps that require admin rights that should not (example: games, word processors, etc) because of the way they store their settings are not permitted into our app directory.

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