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Modifications of the current version of TeamViewer Portable 8.0.17292

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Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Modifications of the current version of TeamViewer Portable 8.0.17292
In the current version of TeamViewer Portable 8.0.17292 is by default the option of saving the settings disabled. Only via a hidden way this option can be activated. For this purpose the user must open the file \TeamViewer\Data\settings\TeamViewer.ini and change the value of the key "nosave" from the integer 1 into the integer 0. For a better clarification of this hidden possibility I would recommend, that this feature will documented in a separate file named "settings.txt". This file should be pasted in the program folder teamviewer.

Furthermore is the folder DefaultData with its content completely superfluous.

Finally it's necessary to adapt the file TeamViewerPortable.ini due to my explanations in another thread (Bug report).

In summary, I recommend, therefore, to change the current version of TeamViewer Portable 8.0.17292 as follows:

  1. Removing of the folder DefaultData

    see my above explanations

  2. Adapting of the file TeamViewerPortable.ini

    Here is the content of this file:

  3. Creation of a file named settings.txt

    A file named settings.txt with the following content should be created and pasted in the program folder teamviewer:

    For saving the settings in TeamViewer please run the program once. Afterwards open the file \TeamViewer\Data\settings\TeamViewer.ini and change the value of the key nosave from the integer 1 into the integer 0.
Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
further simplification

As I have explained in my original post, it's necessary for saving the settings in TeamViewer, that the user must change the value of the key nosave in the file teamviewer.ini. Personally I believe, that this is not user-friendly. Moreover I am convinced, that most users would prefer the option of saving the settings in TeamViewer.

Starting from this basic idea I would therefore make the following further simplifications:

  1. Omitting of the file settings.txt

    Under No. 3 of my original post I have described the usage of a new created file named settings.txt. For simplicity I would omit this file.

  2. Changing of the file TeamViewer.ini

    Within the file TeamViewer.ini (contained in the program folder teamviewer) I would change the value of the key nosave from the integer 1 into the integer 0.

Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Opening of a dialog window after closure of the app

I've now created a custom installer, which takes into account all of the above described changes. Afterwards I have installed this adapted version of TeamViewer Portable in the menu.

However, now strangely every time after closing of TeamViewer Portable will be opened the empty file "C:\Dokumente and Einstellungen\Andreas Piatek\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp\TeamViewerPortableTemp\TeamViewer\Version8\7.hta" on my machine. Although the file does not exists on my machine.

Has anyone an explanation for this behavior? And how can I prevent the opening of this file?

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