Furthermore is the folder DefaultData with its content completely superfluous.
Finally it's necessary to adapt the file TeamViewerPortable.ini due to my explanations in another thread (Bug report).
In summary, I recommend, therefore, to change the current version of TeamViewer Portable 8.0.17292 as follows:
- Removing of the folder DefaultData
see my above explanations
- Adapting of the file TeamViewerPortable.ini
Here is the content of this file:
[Launch] ProgramExecutable=TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe DirectoryMoveOK=yes SupportsUNC=yes [Activate] Registry=true [RegistryKeys] TeamViewer_HKCU=HKCU\Software\TeamViewer TeamViewer_HKLM=HKLM\Software\TeamViewer [FilesMove] settings\TeamViewer.ini=%PAL:AppDir%\teamviewer [DirectoriesMove] settings\TeamViewer=%APPDATA%\TeamViewer
- Creation of a file named settings.txt
A file named settings.txt with the following content should be created and pasted in the program folder teamviewer:
For saving the settings in TeamViewer please run the program once. Afterwards open the file \TeamViewer\Data\settings\TeamViewer.ini and change the value of the key nosave from the integer 1 into the integer 0.
As I have explained in my original post, it's necessary for saving the settings in TeamViewer, that the user must change the value of the key nosave in the file teamviewer.ini. Personally I believe, that this is not user-friendly. Moreover I am convinced, that most users would prefer the option of saving the settings in TeamViewer.
Starting from this basic idea I would therefore make the following further simplifications:
Under No. 3 of my original post I have described the usage of a new created file named settings.txt. For simplicity I would omit this file.
Within the file TeamViewer.ini (contained in the program folder teamviewer) I would change the value of the key nosave from the integer 1 into the integer 0.
I've now created a custom installer, which takes into account all of the above described changes. Afterwards I have installed this adapted version of TeamViewer Portable in the PA.com menu.
However, now strangely every time after closing of TeamViewer Portable will be opened the empty file "C:\Dokumente and Einstellungen\Andreas Piatek\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp\TeamViewerPortableTemp\TeamViewer\Version8\7.hta" on my machine. Although the file does not exists on my machine.
Has anyone an explanation for this behavior? And how can I prevent the opening of this file?