Ok, so ow I have a32gB USB stick loaded with apps. And those apps are going to save data onto the stick. And oen day I am going to lose the stick ... sad, but true.
How woudl you go about securing the data with TrueCrypt?
Have the apps on a parition outside of TrueCrypt and have an encrypted data parition to which to save data?
But that probably only allows me to save files which I create with the apps, not their configuration files?
Should I perhaps encrypt the entire USB stick (except for a very small parition to hold TrueCrypt) and then place the apps plus data in that?
How do others who are worried about losing their USB stick do this?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Since TrueCrypt allows you to create a container encrypted on the drive, you can make it any size you want. You'll need to make it big enough to house your apps and data as the apps can only access their settings files (bookmarks, etc) on the same drive letter. After you create it and mount it, just install the PortableApps.com Platform into that new encrypted drive. A nice side effect is that it will speed things up a tad for some apps reading lots of small files.
As for size, I recommend keeping a portion of the drive available for unencrypted files, so you can still use it to take photos to the local drug store to print out or access on your TV. Public PCs and TVs won't be able to mount the TrueCrypt partition.
One downside is that this will require admin rights to mount the TrueCrypt drive. So, you won't be able to use it as a library, net cafe, hotel business center, most corporate PCs, most university PCs, etc.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I encrypt the entire PA drive inside the TC volume. Make a 4GB (4095mb) volume(max size for FAT), put the TrueCrypt exe on the flash drive. I use two batch files, one to load and one to shutdown. I have since converted to a VB.net app that makes things a lot faster and easier.
If interested I can post my .NET code.
Startup Script
if exist "z:\PortableApps\PortableApps.com\PortableAppsPlatform.exe" goto runapp
start /b TrueCrypt\truecrypt.exe /v DATA.VOL /l z /q background
goto wait
if exist "z:\PortableApps\PortableApps.com\PortableAppsPlatform.exe" goto runapp
sleep.exe 2
goto :wait
start /b z:\PortableApps\PortableApps.com\PortableAppsPlatform.exe
Shutdown Script
taskkill /F /IM PortableAppsPlatform.exe /T
sleep.exe 1
start /b TrueCrypt\truecrypt.exe /quit /dz
sleep.exe 3
start eject.exe /REMOVETHIS