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Sync -> Equalise = ALL my Destination EMPTY folders DELETED :(

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Last seen: 2 years 4 days ago
Joined: 2011-08-31 09:28
Sync -> Equalise = ALL my Destination EMPTY folders DELETED :(

Hi, that has been my problem... I've been looking for information about Toucan and "missing/deleted folders" issues but I only have found old bug reports that should be, supposedly, fixed at this point. So... is there any reason for this to happen? I mean, why Destination empty folders should be deleted during any Syncing process using "Equalise" mode? When, if I understood it well, nothing should be deleted in this case according to the manual...

I like the program as far as I've tested, but if there is no way to stop this unexpected directory deletions I'll have to continue looking for an alternative :(, so please, tell my I've done something wrong or there is a workaround or something! Here are the settings I've used in detail:

  • JOB: Sync
  • FUNCTION: Equalise
  • FILE CHECKS: File size + Modified time + Short Comparison.
  • OTHER: Retain Timestamps + Retain Attributes + Ignore Read-Only + Use Recycle Bin.
  • SOURCE: D:\Projects\
  • DESTINATION: Z:\Projects\

I'm mainly interested on Sync some folders containing multimedia projects which, inevitably, contains empty folders here and there due to folder structures are based on pre-established templates, so for me can maintain folder structures is vital. BTW, even with "Use Recycle Bin" checked, the folders simply was directly deleted, totally ignoring the Recycle Bin...

Well, thanks in advance for any help!