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"soffice - Fatal Error": Cannot obtain UNO_SERVICES from uno ini

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jordinja's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-18 20:44
"soffice - Fatal Error": Cannot obtain UNO_SERVICES from uno ini

Hi everyone, tried searching for a solution to this here and via google, but no joy - hoping someone here can help me!

Anyway, I've created a portable installation of LO on my home PC using "LibreOfficePortable_4.0.0.3_MultilingualNormal.paf.exe", and transferred the folder to my work PC (unable to run installers on that one due to paranoid IT dept).

However, when I try to run any of the LibreOffice executables, I get the following error:

soffice - Fatal Error
The program cannot be started.
The service manager is not available.
("Cannot obtain UNO_SERVICES from uno ini")
Start setup application to repair the installation from CD, or the folder containing the installation packages.

I've checked 'uno.ini' in LibreOfficePortable/App/libreoffice/program, but there's no reference to 'UNO_SERVICES'. Do I need to add something?

Can anybody advise on how to fix this please?

jordinja's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-18 20:44
Hi everyone - can anybody

Hi everyone - can anybody offer any help with this?

I've managed to run the unpacker/installer on my work PC and still get the same error, so I suspect it's a bug/problem with the implementation, rather than a problem caused by unpacking on one location and moving the installation folder to another PC and filepath location.

Any advice on how to fix this? I can open uno.ini, but there's no existing reference to 'UNO_SERVICES' in that file, and I don't know what value to enter against it if I do so manually.

I suspect I just need to add a line stating:
...but I don't know what to add in place of foo

Someone please, please help me!! Thanks in advance! Smile

jordinja's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-03-18 20:44

OK, so it looks like an issue with the folder being stored in my ‘home drive’ at work (a network directory that represents our ‘My Documents’ folder). The visible filepath is quite short, but I suspect there’s some issue with the mapping that is breaking LibreOffice Portable. Looking at this page under Known Issues, I wonder if the problem I experienced is connected but

To resolve, I've managed to find one of the very few locations on our c: drive that isn't completely locked down, and unpack the LibreOffice Portable folder there.

It may only be a matter of time until our IT robocops jump on that, but I only need to last out until my developer build arrives, then I can install the full version of LO4! If I can get rid of my Windows PC altogether and persuade IT to give me a Linux box, I really will be a happy bunny… but I digress… I hope the above details maybe help someone else in the same situation.

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