Application: Feed the Beast
Category: Games
Description: From the publisher's website:
Feed the Beast, also known as FTB, originated as a custom challenge map in Minecraft that made heavy use of multiple tech mods. It played very similar to a type of map known as Sky Block, where the player is started in a void world with only a small platform, and must overcome a series of challenges. Because FTB included tech mods, it was possible to use the various custom blocks and items to keep track of the challenges and the player's progress, as well as automatically give awards after each challenge was met.
The mod pack used for the map then became very popular and soon evolved into many other packs including lite, ultimate and tech world. The Feed the Beast launcher was released in November of 2012 to a livestream of over 9000 people! Since then many youtubers have became involved with Feed the Beast and the community has continued to grow.
1) This application only contains the Feed the Beast launcher. There are no modpacks preinstalled, hence why the package is so small to download. Please leave room for the modpacks and other content you use.
2) Following on from the first point, you must have a valid Minecraft login in order to use this properly. Please don't post or advocate ways to get around this.
3) All data is stored in the Data folder of the application, so updates to the launcher proper should not affect your saves. Though if this updates, be wary and backup before you do, just in case.
4) jPortable or a local Java installation is necessary to run Minecraft and thus Feed the Beast.
Download Feed the Beast 1.04.03 Dev Test 1 (4.42B download / 5.15MB installed)
(MD5: 042660ebd7fdbebc0d9a0ac226bc2110)
Release Notes:
See all release notes at the SourceForge project page.
Updated base app to 1.2.4. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.2.6 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.2.7 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.3.2 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.3.3 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.3.4 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.3.5 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.3.6 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.3.14 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
Updated to 1.04.03 Dev Test 1. See release notes for details.
I have jPortable 64 installed on my PortableApps Launcher and when I run the FTBLauncher I get and error that say no java runtime environment was found.
I'm pretty new to all of the portable app stuff so I'm not sure where to go to find where the FTB launcher is targeting the "jPortable" runtime environment so I can change it to the "jPortable 64" environment if that's even a thing I can do.
If you could help that'd be great!
One of 2 methods can be used for this:
1. Copy
- This could potentially mess with the Updater, so not recommended for general useor
2. Recompile the FTBPortable launcher against a build of the Launcher that supports jPortable64 - I personally recommend this method myself
I've heard there is a dev build that has support implemented, or I have a plugin for Launcher v2.2.1 that adds basic support for it. (a link for which is on the post for my Portable Minecraft Launcher)
EDIT: You could also point FTB at jPortable64 in the java settings when open, jPortable will need to be installed alongside jPortable64 though.
Sweet, thanks. It worked!!!
Also, I've been using your Portable Minecraft Launcher as well. Very well done. Thanks!