I installed all the programs and I found these errors:
[polish ver portable apps launcher, no betas]
installed, not working:
Celestia [not working installed alone]
Gramps [not working installed alone]
qBittorrent [not working installed alone]
AssaultCube [not working installed alone]
will not install:
kchmviewer-bad script, working installed alone
2x client -bad install path
Many time by installing many programs at 1 time it show "file not found" and "divide by zero" and crash portable apps launcher.
If you're having that many issues, it's got to be a PC or drive issue as all those apps work fine for hundreds of thousands of other folks.
So, please provide:
- Full install path
- OS version
- Antivirus and firewall in use
- Checked the drive for errors?
- Tried installing it locally just on your Desktop?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Os: Windows XP
Fw: Commodo ISP
disk cleaned and defragmented
Mayby my english is not the best,
but like i write above i downloaded all of portable programs,
then ones again downloaded all of the programs which will not start [normal download with Mozilla + DownThemAll] installed and again most of them from 1 post will not start [except for Sunbird, kchm viewer, 2x client]
Check at least kchm viewer, 2x client.
I use PortableApps only on PC [without PortableApps launcher], but 5 days ago reinstalled os and programs on my laptop, and becouse i have here 250GB free space i make a probe how it will working with all PortableApps progs with PortableApps launcher.
As John suggested, did you check your hard disk drive for errors (defragmenting alone is not enough if your hard disk is failing)?
If you're not sure how to do that then ask and someone can help you. You'll probably need to restart your computer to do a full disk check.