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PAP list of apps (sorted by) and message after closing app not properly

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PAP list of apps (sorted by) and message after closing app not properly

about PAP i think essential would be option to sort app list in portable apps platform by the apps u last installed and other would be by apps u updated last

so like i yesterday checked which apps was updated or added last and on top was wise registry cleaner or something like that i check box next to it and i go read names and categories of other updated/new made apps

but by the time i started to install that app and few others i selected i forgot their names and option to sort list of apps on PAP to put 1st apps i installed (or updated) lately would be like big help

2nd thing
i just reeded some comments of this post
"[...] did not close properly last time it was run and ...

and i got same problem but after reading this post

by @John T. Haller
"The solution is simple. Just stop crashing your apps. Close them properly. Then you'll never see the message again. You only see the message when you crash them, which is VERY bad and you should NEVER, EVER do. So, it should be an inconvenience to the end user and it should interrupt their workflow to let them know that something very bad happened and they should avoid ever doing it again."

i wanna ask and if im 100% aware of that closing an app in bad way is bad and i should not do it and for sure i dont want to than should i be forced to see that warning even if app crashed not by my fault ?

cause you see sometimes my opera portable just crush
it have something to do with my graphic card since it most likely crash when i close some game and try to play some video on youtube

i often reinstall windows i update all my drivers install service packs and even try different versions of flash and even more that crash is random it dont occurs always

so there is nothing i can do to prevent it
so i should stop playing games or watch videos on youtube to prevent it in your opinion ?

cause if its random i believe its not cause i use pc in a bad way

but thats not all sometimes open office crash loading large documents
while libre office load them just fine but i prefer open office

but what ever i say you will think i just doing something bad well ok

lets say im just hitting alt+F4 to close apps which results in apps crash (idk if thats true)

but still its my choice to do so and im fully aware of risk i take when doing it

and if you leave file APPNAMEPortable.ini which have option DisableSplashScreen

which we can set to true to prevent splash screen from appearing when apps starts

than why we cant have option in exact same .ini file like lets say
WarnAfterAppCrash - true/false


wouldnt that be enough fair for both sides ?

cause my apps often crash (mostly caused by NOT MANUAL pc restarts and graphic card problems)

and i dont think that this message of warrning that app did not close properly helps me or any 1 else seeing it for 100 time

but what ever that warning is not irritating so much what irritate me and i think most of ppls that see it is the fact that we need to launch app and instead of app the warning appears than we need to hit OK and than app starts

why not launch warning and app at once ?
and warning would say "app was closed not properly ,dont do that again" or something like that and than we just click OK and we can use app not being forced to launch it again

wouldnt that also be some compromise for both sides ?

cause i feel about it like this

im from Poland and of course i got Polish windows and some programs (any i dont mean portable) force me to install service pack

well and i do so

but than i got warning message about unknown service pack which dont give me any info or help in anything its just because i got Polish windows

here is example program named xpadder which do that retarded thing

works fine without a problem on my friends pc who lives in usa
and there is no way for me of avoiding this message each time i launch that program

so i understand in portable apps the warning is for us to teach us not to close apps in wrong way

but please understand also that some of us are not stupid and apps crashes are results not of our bad/wrong usage of apps/pc

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 4 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
As Stated

You saw the other thread and asked the exact same questions, but you didn't bother to address the fact that they've already been answered a dozen times.

  1. Yes, we would like to be able to update the Launcher (aka PAL) to be able to warn you of an unsafe close and be able to click OK and re-start automatically. Unfortunately, this will require a MAJOR rewrite of PAL to accomplish this. Our volunteer developers do not currently have time to do this.
  2. Yes, we would love to have the apps be able to sense a Windows shutdown and properly close. This is not possible, currently, for technical reasons. Partially it is a limitation of NSIS (the language PAL is coded in) and the way it responds to the Windows shutdown messaging. It is also a limitation, specifically, of portable software since it has multiple EXEs that operate together. Windows does not understand this and will unceremoniously kill them but not in the proper order. For example, appname.exe needs to be closed first and then appnameportable.exe can clean up after it, moving registry entries, cleaning files, etc. Windows shutdown has no mechanism to understand this and just shuts them down willy-nilly™.
  3. Yes, we are working on the platform's ability to properly shutdown all your apps at one time but it is not yet completed. The platform can understand the difference between appname.exe and appnameportable.exe and politely ask them to close in the proper sequence so no data is lost.
  4. Yes, it would be nice if we could have the apps be able to do this themselves without the platform so that functionality is not tied to the platform, but we cannot due to the above-mentioned technical limitations.

Finally, as stated in point one, we can't have PAL restart itself currently. So, even if we provided you an INI option not to warn you, PAL still couldn't restart itself. It would just fail to run and not show you a message box why.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
and that is exact reason why

and that is exact reason why i asked this question cause i think of different solution and not that mentioned above

for me that warning isnt irritating but launching app 2 times is cause im always afraid that if i launch 1 app or any other program 2nd time (if it didnt starts at 1st time) it will lag and wont launch at all (i got that problem with winamp) (normal winamp not from portable apps) i need to do ctrl+alt+del and close all instances before i can launch it again

i dont care if anything can close properly by it self cause with my pc restarts i think it would not help me much anyway

i just want that warning message to exist but i just want it to be displayed when i run app after crash so like

1. app crash
2. you launch app
3. app launches normally but also warning message does
4. you need to click ok to be able to use launched app
5. you click ok and it works just fine

now do you understand what i mean ? dam poor english

so non of above points in your post dont answer my question

but this

"Finally, as stated in point one, we can't have PAL restart itself currently. So, even if we provided you an INI option not to warn you, PAL still couldn't restart itself. It would just fail to run and not show you a message box why."

explains for me that it cant just restart by it selfs cause its impossible
if i understand right it need to try to launch to detect its last attempt to close crashed and than it will launch normally if i try to launch it again ?

if yes than as work around could apps by default try to launch 2 times ? so like if i launch app it try to open it self 2 times and if 1st try launches the app than it wont take 2nd try but if it fail it would try again

woudnt that fix the problem ? i just ask i dont know anything about it but i think if thats possible it would be good work around ?

and what about sorting PAP list of apps i mentioned in 1st post at beginning ? would that be possible ?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 4 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

As stated, PAL can't relaunch itself. It messes up the environment variables. So we can't have it try to launch twice. On the first launch, it has to restore the app to the proper state. On the second, it starts the app. It's not the app that needs to be tried to launch twice. It's PAL. And it needs those two separate launches to do those two separate things. It can not restart itself. It can not launch twice. Once again, it can not do what you want without a major rewrite. Period.

If you mean the platform, it can't determine if an app launched properly or not. Every app is different and some have different ways of determining if they are running. Some launchers run while the app runs, some do not.

So, no, there is currently no technical way to accomplish what you want. We're not trying to brush you off. This is just the way it works for right now. If your computer is broken and crashes, I am sorry to hear that. But there is currently nothing I can do to assist with that.

As to sorting apps by whether they use PAL, it's not something I plan on investing my limited time in as it has little practical purpose outside of a handful of users.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
ok now i understand about

ok now i understand about that warning it cant be helped

and my pc isnt broken its only some problem with my graphic card but i think its cause i overheat it and this is how it looks

its not screen form my pc but this is how it looks when it overheats and than if i sometimes play youtube video it crashes opera


and about sorting at last sorting by last installed apps would be cool in future i dont mean like do it in next few months but sometime in future that option would be cool to exist

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 4 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Reseat and Clean

Have you tried popping the case, removing the video card, air blasting all the dust out and the re-seating the video card in the case? If you aren't experienced doing this (and doing things like dissipating static charge) ask a friend. It could be worth a try. I do this to mine as it can get a lot of dust over the years in NYC. And dust prevents proper airflow resulting in overheating.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-10 21:33
im 27 years old i repair pcs

im 27 years old i repair pcs from over 9 years i got 2 cats
i removed side panel from my pc to get better air circulation so i know that dust and that 2 fatasses fur need to be removed i do so each time i reinstall windows (one time in 2 or 6 months)actually its cause my pc is placed close to wall in small space under my office desk so thats the biggest problem + my pc is black and when sunlight fall on it its heat it like on BBQ

actually i would need to buy another fan or alternative cooling unit but i lately discovered that i can just put bottle of water in fridge and than put it next to open side panel of my pc and it works like charm but im too lazy (and it only happens in like 2 games RANDOMLY like 2-3 times per month so like i dont see a point in buying anything)

youtube video problem is related to some stuff i install cause it dont happen on clean windows when im closing game and watching yt vid after i just reinstalled windows and didnt install any stuff on it (thats why i try to get as much portable apps in exchange of normal as i can)

but i think it have something to do with stuff like netframework or IM API or maybe codecs (im forced to install for other programs to work)

like for example dvd soft free studios require IM API but for real it dont need it it works without it but if you install dvd soft free studio and you wont install IM API you wont be able to type anything on skype ppl can call you and you can call ppl they can send text message to you but you cant send any text to them of course you can type but you cant send it

so either install IM API or uninstall free studios solves the problem

there are many retarded bugs like this in windows so i just need to test and see which causing my opera to crash

so i think im done everything that is possible for me to make my pc run better now only trail and error method left but thx for advise

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