Hello community!
There is really good tool created by Atlassian, which allow you easily usage of GIT or HG. Sad thing, there is no portable mode. I was trying to set the system variables, but... without any effort.
There is homepage of the app: http://sourcetreeapp.com/
If someone can create it Portable, so that all App Files and created files will be withing the EXE path, that would be awesome.
I've made SourceTree 1.6.12 portable based on PortableApps.com Launcher 2.2. You are welcome to test it.
Thanks. Works great.
Any chance of making it official on the site?
Thank You.
Does your version include a git installation?
SmartGit has Portable Version which includes GIT (Hence truly portable).
I really wish for a complete GIT capabilities for the PortableApps suite.