Still in early stage (although already quite functional), a killer app that would be great to have portable.
"Songbird promises to be the Firefox of media players." —Aaron Boodman, Greasemonkey
New: DesktopSnowOK (Jan 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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Still in early stage (although already quite functional), a killer app that would be great to have portable.
"Songbird promises to be the Firefox of media players." —Aaron Boodman, Greasemonkey
Please search this. This topic has been discussed and I believe if we do that then we would have to change the name and also the skin as their license states.
My own linux Distro called Ubuntu Multimedia Center
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Me and thibeaz are working on this and he should be getting the licensing worked out soon.
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
Life is like a sewer. You only get out of it what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."