Once again I've thought a little bit about the steps, which must be performed for obtainment the necessary knowledge for creating a portable app. Let me consider the base app named "tictac". Its appropriate installer should be "setup_tictac.exe". After extraction of the file setup_tictac.exe I receive for example the file tictac.exe and three other files named file1, file2 und file3, which are necessary for the correct working of the app. Now I run the file tictac.exe and analyze with such typical apps like Regshot the different changes, which was caused by the app tictac. Based on these findings I create in a further step the code (for example in the file tictacPortable.ini), which adapt all those changes which have a negative influence on the portability. Finally I get the PAF installer tictacPortable.paf.exe.
Due to the further development of the app tictac should be offered a new version, which I want name for a better differentiation setup_tictac_newer.exe. After extraction of the file setup_tictac_newer.exe I obtain now the file tictac.exe and 5 files named file1, file2, file 3, file 4 and file 5, i.e there are 2 additional files file 4 and file5.
My first question is now directed to the kind of analyzing the portability.
Should I now begin with running the file tictac.exe related with all the above described steps, which I've performed earlier when I have analyzed for the first time the app tictac? Or is it possible, that I use the folder and file structure for the portable version of the app, which I've already developed earlier. In this folder and file structure I integrate the 2 new files file4 and file5 und finally I compile a new PAF installer. After installation of the PAF installer I start then tictacPortable.exe. And now I analyze with Regshot all the changes, which are caused by the usage of the file tictacPortable.exe. Which kind of analyzing is more suitable or necessary?
I generally reuse what I already have.
The way I do this is to delete everything in App/AppName, and copy in everything from the new version.
The only thing to remember with this method is to add back any "special" files that might be needed, such as visual c++ redistributables, as well as to test, of course.
Most apps don't add anything that breaks portability, but rather adds functionality.
I personally do my testing in a VM.
For examples of how I do this, check out my repositories on bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/GordCaswell
Which OS have you installed in your VM, i.e. do you use different OS? And do you test your portable apps in all of your installed OS? And do you use VirtualBox by Oracle or do you prefer another VM?
I use multiple OS'. I've had to reinstall all of my VM's, so at the moment I only have Win7 x86, although once I'm done reinstalling I'll have XP, Vista, 7 x86 & x64, 8, and Ubuntu.
[EDIT] Yes, I test in all of them, and I use virtualbox. I get the Windows VMs from modern.ie