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Chrome Review (~ FF & IE)

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Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2012-05-30 06:46
Chrome Review (~ FF & IE)

Chrome is an easy install with PortableApps, because 1) flashplayer works immediately compared to FF that requires a detailed installation to become portable and have lagging issues; 2) Java works too, but maybe only because it is already installed in portableapps commonFiles folder; 3) there are no plugins - only extensions; 4) and you can write your search in the URL so without the searchbar there´s more space for webpage.

There are tons of extensions available for Chrome. So here´s three recommendations for a super duper browsing experience: 1) Simple Adblock 1.0.9; 2) YouTube Options 1.8.133; 3) Chrome YouTube Downloader 2.6.17