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Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-16 14:01

Much of this is well known, but for people who want to have localized versions of Portable Apps this may come in handy:

Oh, btw, if you want to use another language than English, you should always choose multilingual Smile

7-Zip Portable:
Choose your language in Tools -> Options

AbiWord Portable:
Choose your language in Extra -> Preferences

Audacity Portable:
Choose your language in Edit -> Preferences

ClamWin Portable:
I have no idea. I don't think it's available in other languages than English.

FileZilla Portable:
Choose language in Edit -> Settings -> Interface settings -> Language
Dutch users: geen Nederlands Sad

Firefox Portable:
Extract the contents of the Firefox installation file and copy the files in localized to FirefoxPortable\App\firefox\

Gaim Portable:
Edit GaimPortable\Data\settings\GaimPortableSettings.ini bewerken.
Now change GAIMLANG. For example:

GIMP Portable:
Edit GIMPPortable\Data\settings\GIMPPortableSettings.ini
Now change lang. For example:

Miranda IM Portable:
There are language packs available at

NVU Portable:
Extract the zipfile to NVUPortable\App\NVU\
Dutch users: klik hier!

OpenOffice Portable:
Install a language pack (

Sudoku Portable:
Sorry, as far as I know English only!

Thunderbird Portable:
The only way I know is installing a local version and copy the Program Files to ThunderbirdPortable\App\thunderbird\

VLC Portable:
Settings -> Preferences -> Interface

If you know more or if something doesn't work, just comment. I'll fix it Smile