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Location of settings for Thunderbird

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Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-11-16 15:20
Location of settings for Thunderbird

Hi guys,

I've managed to set up my PortableThunderbird(24.1.0)+Enigmail(newest)+TorBirdy(newest) on two computers now, which required some troubleshooting, despite the fact that the program itself is on a portable HDD. I have a few questions:

1) The keyring is apparently not saved on the portable device, but somewhere on the machine they were created on. Can I make Thunderbird store the keyring and use it on the portable device?

2) The proxy settings seem to default to some empty proxy, which just cost me a couple of hours on the second machine - that means that the setup did NOT get saved on the portable device. Can I make Thunderbird save options like the proxy setting local to the portable device, or will I have to go through a setup every time I hook up to a new computer?

Thanks for the help