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Disk Explorer Professional 3 by Tomas Jelinek ( CD/DVD Tools)

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Joined: 2012-10-29 12:25
Disk Explorer Professional 3 by Tomas Jelinek ( CD/DVD Tools)

License: (Free)
Languages: English, Bulgarian, Czech, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish
OS : Windows
Description: This application is a powerful tool for cataloging all CDs, DVDs, floppies, ZIP disks, or other removable media, hard drives, network drives, or even FTP servers on the Internet (they are called volumes). Entire structure of volumes can be cataloged as well as internal structure of various archive files (ZIP, 7-ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LZH, CAB, TAR/GZIP, ACE, JAR and others) including self-extracting installers (EXE).
Comment: This software is similar to the current portable app "Virtual Volumes View", it catalogs lots of external sources into a tree-folder system like WinExplorer to see all the files like if you had them (virtually), although the main difference between these two is that DEP 3 has a very powerful filter system which lets you capture additional data for your files like the mp3tag info, image and video metadata and much more for most of file extensions and even inside of compressed files, and even so it lets you create an auto-exe read-info version of a database so you can share it without having to install the program. I think it would be a very good option in contrast to the more quick, clean and fast nature of Virtual Volumes View.
Other: I think this program falls into the "Just Works™" category, as the software will work even if is not in the installed directory or is in a removable device, but the program itself is not officially portable. I know that the license says "You agree not to decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the product." but I think it's a great opportunity because there are several other programs that do the same main function (catalog) but I have tried most of them (at least for Windows) and no other does it better than DEP 3.