I am a private user and want to use AquaSnap at home.
I have two monitors but AquaSnap requires to buy the pro version to support multiple monitors.
Is there a free alternative to AquaSnap that spports docking windows to the edges of multiple monitors?
I don't know of any other software. However if you have Windows 7, then you can drag the window to the edge of the screen. If you grab the title bar of the window, it will dock to the edge you drag it to. In a multi-monitor setup, you cannot use the drag-to-dock on the shared edge between the two monitors. Instead you can use the hotkeys <WIN> + <UP>,<DOWN>,<LEFT>,<RIGHT>. Also dragging a window to the top of the screen will maximize the window. If you grab an edge of a window and drag it to the edge of your screen, the window will expand to fill the screen across the plane that you dragged it.
While not as robust as other docking software (can't easily tile etc.), it is a pretty simple solution that does not require extra software.
It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.
What better than Alternative To?, here are some by the way.
I haven't liked many free versions of multimonitor apps. Some graphic card drivers (like nvidia) have an option in their software that adds a little icon in all titlebars of apps that lets you quickly switch the app to another screen.