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Unable to install Finance::Quote for GnuCash

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David Lynch
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2013-12-16 05:59
Unable to install Finance::Quote for GnuCash

I have done the following as instructed at

"The alternative is to install ActiveState ActivePerl on the host machine and run the script located at GnuCashPortable\App\GnuCash\bin\install-fq-mods.bat."

The script appeared to complete successfully and when I ran it again to check, I got the following:
* Check Perl
* Install DateManip
No missing packages to install
* Install Crypt-SSLeay
No missing packages to install
* Install Finance-Quote
No missing packages to install
* Run gnc-fq-check
("1.18" "vwd" "yahoo_nz" "australia" "amfiindia" "usfedbonds" "canada" "yahoo" "
adig" "bux" "aiahk" "bsero" "yahoo_australia" "unionfunds" "lerevenu" "asia" "ts
x" "sixfunds" "indiamutual" "bse" "hungary" "known_currencies" "fidelity_direct"
"goldmoney" "tdwaterhouse" "trustnet" "ftportfolios_direct" "cominvest" "mornin
gstar" "ftportfolios" "tdefunds" "hu" "za" "fundlibrary" "stockhousecanada_fund"
"yahoo_europe" "platinum" "maninv" "tsp" "financecanada" "usa" "france" "trowep
rice" "nasdaq" "bmonesbittburns" "yahoo_asia" "tiaacref" "troweprice_direct" "se
b_funds" "yahoo_brasil" "greece" "fidelity" "fetch_live_currencies" "romania" "d
wsfunds" "finland" "hex" "brasil" "asegr" "deka" "nyse" "canadamutual" "asx" "fi
nanzpartner" "fool" "dutch" "uk_unit_trusts" "sixshares" "nzx" "aex" "nz" "vangu
ard" "europe" "bourso")
* Run gnc-fq-helper
(("AMZN" (symbol . "AMZN") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2013-12-13 16:00:00") (last . 38
4.24) (currency . "USD")))
* Installation succeeded
Press any key to continue . . .
I closed and restarted GnuCash. In the Security Editor, I still get:
Warning Finance::Quote not installed correctly
with most of the rest of the window greyed out.

Grateful for advice of what to do now.