Would it be possible to change the tags used in webpages please?
or would this be detrimental?
Currently it is:
''Outdated Official Portable Applications | PortableApps.com - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives''
Which results in firefox suggesting a saveAs file name of:
"Outdated Official Portable Applications _ PortableApps.com - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives.htm"
Thanks for your time.
John is using that as one of the easiest, cheapest and most effective ways to boost PA's rating by various search engines. Words in the title of a webpage usually have the highest rating in search engines for matching those words. In this case, "PortableApps.com" "Portable" "software" "USB" "cloud" "drives" etc.
You can easily shorten this on the user side, with anything that allows you to execute your own JavaScript. Something like Greasemonkey and Scriptish addons on Firefox.
In the title, it looks for and removes:
- Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives
Edit: code commented so others can modify it easier. Some default entries have been omitted.
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
hi dboki89
thanks for the solution. I will have to look into it.
I guess a script like this could be placed into the firefox basic page style too with a few edits.
ie in: View > page style > basic page style
thanks again.
No, can't be done. That above is JavaScript, and more precisely user-side JavaScript (user script).
View > Page style is for alternating stylesheets (CSS).
CSS can't edit the HTML page and can't change the title. Not to mention, alternating stylesheets via View > Page style menu are de facto deprecated, as neither many websites use it, nor was it ever implemented in the newer browsers such as Google Chrome.
I simply offered you a (user script) way to fix it for yourself, on your end, if the long title was bothering you.
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
Hi dboki89
yes you are right! thanks for replying so that others didn't get off track by my incorrect assumption.
I should have known too, but in the moment, I spoke too soon. (for a bit there I imagined that the browser had a 'built in template' consisting of a html,js,css. but even saying this, it doesn't make sense that there would be a html template unless it were being used for loading something that isn't a html page to begin with etc.
It does seem strange that firefox (for example of a browser) doesn't have a default js file that a user can edit to manipulate the page rather then using a css file (which limits processing a page to suit to css).
without sidetracking, your solution is suitable for what I asked, and thanks.