Hello everybody, this is my first post in this lovely site
I have the SanDisk's biometric flash drive, the "Cruzer Profile" (1GB) which seems to work pretty well under admin user in both the Windows 2000 (SP4) and XP SP2 PCs that I have at home.
However, I have many questions - I've searched the entire net to no avail, and even found one unanswered post in here, so if anyone can answer even a few, I'll be grateful:
1. The biometric validator pops-up automatically from a "local drive" which is a 2nd partition to the mass storage drive letter - seemingly, it's just like the U3 method to support autorun (which exists for the Profile too). However, the Profile is not really a U3-class device, and its autorun partition is read-only. Does anyone knows a way to re-format this partition and edit its autorun file?
2. How well does this drive perform under non-admin users? Does it still asks for validation automatically? Does it successfully render the data partition unreadable until the finger-print was confirmed? The same question holds for other operating system please (Mac OS/X, Linux/UNIX, etc...thanks)
3. How secure this validation method is? Is the protection method of the 2nd partition bypass-able? Of course it is, but by what means? (i.e. will a potential hacker need brute-forcing, or he could just lit a flag on the FAT...)
4. What happens if all my fingers get chopped-off? Now seriously - I couldn't find a "backup" password to access the protected partition - while I'll try to keep my hands intact, I'm more worried for the resistance of the biometric unit.
5. How well does the biometric unit behave underwater, if at all? With sirty hands? How does one is suppose to clean it if the need's be?
6. Seems like the validation holds for as long as the drive is hooked to the PC. Does anyone know a way to virtually "detach" it from the USB controller periodically in order have it ask for my fingerprints after some idle time? Preferably without involving some auto-restart cycle of the host PC...;)
7. Anyone knows of more, I guess 3rd-party, uses for the biometric identification method? Having it co-operate with encryption software could be nice...
Well, that's what I can think of for now - I'll really appreciate your responce!
Thank you,
- Yuval.
Hi all,
I recently bought a cruzer Profile. The first time I used it I added fingerprints, Username and Password. Today I logged in (with a fingerprint) and deleted all the fingerprints, thinking I would be able to use it on my MP3 player. Now I can’t log in at all (or set up new fingerprints). The moment I insert my cruzer profile, it prompts me to run the software (unlock Cruzer Profile), and then it asks for a fingerprint. I've tried all ten and they all fail. I can't see how it will allow you to delete all ten and then ask you for one as you try to log back in.
I have tried formatting it, but it keeps coming up with "Windows was unable to complete the format".
My Computer and Device Manager shows 2 drives, one shows the Profile logo (Local Disk) and the other one Removable Disk. I can brose the Local Disk. There are several files (autorun, CruzerLoginSetup, CruzerProfile, CruzerProfileHelp, gdiplus.dll, tfm.dll, and movie clips). I ran the CruzerLoginSetup, witch installs the software and asks for a reboot, after that there is no way of accessing the software without a fingerprint, witch it keeps asking me. If I run CruzerProfile it directly asks for my fingerprint. I think I have tried just about everything.
There is no way that I can access the Cruzer Profile or software so that I can enter new fingerprints.
I’ve tried Partition Magic, but it doesn’t even see the drive, although Device manager and My computer shows it.
Has anyone had similar problems?
Is there any way to forcibly format the device and start from scratch?
well, from what i understand, you have a sandisk profile and it wont let you in. first, check out the cruzer login setup folder(or .exe file), waz it got in it?
well to answer your first question about reformatting the 'second partition to the mass storage device,'first, i need to know if you can get at it and inside it. if you can get inside the 'second partition' copy all of the files into a folder on your comp, then, quick format the 'second partition'. unfortuantely, i cant help with the modifying of the autorun file, i dont know how to myself, but if you know how, (and dont do this if you dont), bring the file into a text editor and modify it to your preference. to answer your next question, i dont know how well it will work under non-admins. i would imagine that it would work almost the same, but to acsess it, you may have to activate the drive maualy. third question, the validation is supposed to be pretty secure, thogh there are a good many of potential hackers out there. i dont know of anyone hacking(this is actualy considered cracking, not hacking) through the validation software, thogh just to be safe i would check in with sandisk every once and a while to see if they have updated software. fourth question, you dont need a biometric thumb drive if you have no fingers, not to mention you probably wont be able to use a computer either. next question,if your using it underwater, your a retard, cleen your hands before you use it, and to cleen it a piece of toilet paper should do fine, but if you really want to get into it, a satin cloth with lense cleaner, just make shure you didnt leave an oil fingerprint on it. next question, i dont think you can do that, also, repeted acsessing and insertation seems to make sandisk flashdrives recognise the comp and not ask for the password or fingerprint. next question, if you had u3 software on it, then maybe, otherwise i think your on your own.