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Gaim OTR Encryption Plugin for 2.0 Beta 5 (Testers Needed)

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John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 hours 4 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Gaim OTR Encryption Plugin for 2.0 Beta 5 (Testers Needed)

If anybody can test out the new OTR plugin and see if it works correctly, I can update the instructions and package for download. Thanks...

It would appear that beta 5 broke the old plugin, so a new version is needed. There's a new version on their website. The installer does *NOT* work with Gaim Portable. And, from the directory layouts, the OTR plugin may no longer be portable.

Try downloading this file: Gaim OTR 2.0 b5 Plugin (UPX Compressed)

Copy that to your GaimPortable\App\Gaim\plugins directory in an instance of Gaim Portable 2.0 Beta 5. Then try using it on a PC without OTR installed locally to chat with someone else using OTR and see if it works or not. If it does, I'll post an extractor for it on the Gaim page. If not, then we may simple not have OTR anymore. I can't test OTR because, of my 200+ contacts, not a single one uses it.