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the startrek encyclopedia

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Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-22 01:16
the startrek encyclopedia

I own the startrek encyclopedia 3.0 by Simon & Shuster interactive inc.
I merge the 2 main cd's and the 2 companion extra cd in one DVD so at least I dont
have anymore to swap cd's. What would be great is if some one can modify the prog.
to have it to look inside it's hown directory instead of a cd rom drive. That way we could put everything on a usb drive that would take a little more or less than 2G
depending if you decide to include or not the companion cd's the main 2 cd's would take close to 1G.personaly I would willing to bring that with me.
the main app prog is a macromedia director player, if any one would be interested
to develop someting for that.That software company does not support or keep that
program up to date any more.

P.S. I am not requesting the full pakage but only a modified luncher, the rest could be done by any one that own that encyclopedia and is interested to copy it on a stick.

Zach Thibeau
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Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08

Did you get permission to make this? Or is it GNU GPl'd because if not then sorry can't help you on that. but if you do want to make a launcher your self study Johns NSI scripts in his portableapps and make your own. I did that for my copy microsoft office. I got to lazy to install it over again when I reformated my hd so I did this in case it happened
My own linux Distro called Ubuntu Multimedia Center

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

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