I find some instructions on how to use some applications quite complicated, and think that adding explicit detailed hypothetical examples to such instructions would be helpful. I see that this suggestion has been posted by other members, of course using different words. Never the less, I find it a good idea to submit the suggestion again.
As we have over 300 applications available here, which ones are you referring to?
I refer to applications in general (That is, many or all of them), although it is so that I am at this time having such a problem with one particular application, which happens to be the PortableFileAssociator. However, I weren't sure whether this were the place or thread to inquire about it, or the place or thread to post suggestions.
Portable File Associator isn't an official release. So, it's only supported by its author within forum thread dealing with it. The 300+ apps in our app directory as well as the PortableApps.com Platform (Menu, App Store, Updater, Backup Utility), PA.c Installer, PA.c Launcher, etc are all released and supported.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!