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Error On Attempt to Update Apps

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Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2014-05-26 11:44
Error On Attempt to Update Apps

I've used the Portable Apps Platform for years, with very, very little trouble. I typically use the "Apps" | "Check For Updates" menu item every day (or, at a minimum, several times per week). I also manually update items like the virus definition database in ClamWin with the same frequency.

Suddenly today, for the first time ever, I get a popup message box entitled " Platform" and which reads "Unable to connect to to retrieve portable apps. Please try again later. [ SendRequest Error ]" when I try to update via "Apps" | "Check For Updates". I have tried several times, over a span of time. I also tried the "Apps" | "Get More Apps..." | sub-menu items, and got the same error. Of course, the ClamWin update works fine - no surprise there, as that is not hosted by Portable Apps, presumably. I am accessing the PA platform from the same thumb drive, computer, and Internet connection that I always use. The drive is virus free (according to F-Prot on computer and ClamWin on thumb drive, both updated to latest versions and virus definitions).

In reading through the forum, whenever someone has raised this (or similar) issue, the reply seems to be that the user is "blocked." However, I have never see a post that explains why or how it would come to pass that someone is blocked, or how to go about resolving the issue.

Can you please tell me why I am suddenly getting this error and, more importantly (assuming it isn't something on your end), how I can resolve the issue?

Thank you.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 8 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Can't Connect

That error just means it can't connect. This is typically due to one of the following situations:

1. You're behind a university or corporate firewall that either won't permit connections to or won't allow the PA.c Updater to connect to the internet. Or you are located in a country that blocks access to sites like (Side note: We/SourceForge block access to certain countries from downloading apps under US law prohibiting export of encryption technology to rogue states/organizations.)

2. You've installed a software firewall that is blocking the platform's ability to connect. This can be a newly installed piece of software or an upgrade that changes some settings.

3. Windows' network connection properties have been altered by you, another user, or another application. The PA.c Platform uses the Windows internet components to handle connections to the internet. If something changes or interferes with these, it won't work. You can often fire up Internet Explorer and see if it can connect to the internet to see if things are working properly.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2014-05-26 11:44
Re: Can't Connect

Hi John.

Thanks for the prompt response. Hope your recovery is continuing smoothly. Here is what I can tell you with regard to the possibilities you've provided:

1. Definitely not.
2. Not likely - but remotely plausible. Recently, I installed a portable version of MailStore - but I have connected and updated PA platform (on two different thumb drives connected to different networks) successfully since then (and besides, there is nothing in that product that would impact the platform, at least not anything obvious). For the sake of completeness, however, I will uninstall that and try the update of again. I will also know more when I can attempt to connect via the other thumb drive and network tomorrow.
3. None of the connection properties have been modified - I am the only user with Administrator privileges. I have also double-checked the firewall settings (including blocked domains, IP's etc.). I thought it obvious - so didn't mention in my original post - that I am able to connect to the internet as usual, including (I am posting on the forum there). I have not encountered any other connection issues.

Beyond that, I don't know what to do. If I can no longer update the platform, then unfortunately, it becomes a liability to me (security issues with out-of-date software, etc.). I hope that is not the case.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 8 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Internet Explorer

Can Internet Explorer *specifically* connect to the internet? Only IE uses the Windows components to handle the actual internet connection. That's why I asked about IE as most people who visit this site don't use IE. If Windows' internet components become misconfigured or corrupted, IE will break but other browsers (Firefox, Chrome, etc) will continue to function fine.

Also, are you sure the PA.c Platform is set to Automatic under connection options? It's currently the only one working properly due to a bug.

One final step would be to temporarily your antivirus and software firewall (if you have one other than the Windows one)... after thoroughly scanning everything you will be running... and see if it works then. That will mostly eliminate antivirus/firewall issues.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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