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PStart Minor Issue

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Anonymous (not verified)
PStart Minor Issue

Hi - I Just wanted to resolve this minor issue with PStart. I love the program - it's simple and clean, yet advanced and professional, a truly great idea.

It's just that when I open it by clicking the system tray icon, it shows in the middle of the dektop. I have tried moving it to the lower right of the screen, closing it, then re-opening it, but it still shows in the middle. Is there a way of ensuring that it stays in the lower-right of the desktop when I open it?

SHADOW-XIII's picture
Last seen: 16 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2005-12-22 11:19
I have problem with icons

I have problem with icons ... then are very far from left border, the application name overrites the icon to

Embrace your dreams

Penfold (not verified)
Yeah, the icons (I use small

Yeah, the icons (I use small icons) are about 20 pixels from the left border. This doesn't bother mee too much, but it would be nice to have them a little closer to the border. I don't have the name of the app overlapping the icon though - have you got really long app names, try making them a bit shorter perhaps?

Penfold (not verified)
It Works Now

The issue about the window not staying in the lower right-hand of the screen seems to have resolved itself. This is after me running PStart on another PC.

I have tried to edit the XML file it creates/uses to change the size of the window, using the section below: (I have used brackets instead of the arrows)


I have tried changing the y value to a lower value to decrease the height of the window. This didn't work at first, so I checked the file again, and PStart had reverted the y value back to 300.

So, I changed the value again, and made the XML file read-only, but it doesn't make any difference to the PStart window.

Anyone got any ideas on how to adjust this?

Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 09:30
No Problem with PStart 2.05/2.06

Hi Penfold,

I have no of the described problems with PStart V2.05 and now with V2.06.
It is really strange because I could change the position and height/width (both with mouse or via xml-file-editing). Maybe you have activated the "hold window size" at "settings/general/panel" but even so I can change position/size via xml-file-editing but not with mouse.
I thing your best bet is to check the settings.

Cya Ryushi

P.S. My System - if it matters - is Win XP Pro.

P.P.S. I think the left empty space is for the expanding icon used with group-icons Wink

Penfold (not verified)
Thanks Ryushi, I will check

Thanks Ryushi,

I will check my settings when I get home, because I forgot to bring my USB Disk to work today Sad

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